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    This is very good stuff. Ribs, brisket, turkey, sausage is all good. They have this rice dressing stuff that is different, but also very good alson with the usual slaw and bean sides. Atmosphere is very friendly with the owners making sure you're taken care of and visiting with you some. Just a good place to go!

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    We were traveling to Galveston for a summer beach vacation and decided to stop here for lunch. Great choice! The ribs left nothing to be desired, everything from the sauce to the tenderness of the meat was awesome. I've had more tender / fall off the bone ribs before ... these were plenty tender, but also allowed my primal feeding habits chew and rip the tasty meats a bit.

    A must get side is their texas style red beans and rice, can't remember what they were called on the menu, but they were FANTASTIC!

    The owners were extremely friendly and it was a very pleasant place to relax after being on the road several hours with two rambunctious toddler boys.

    I'll give this place 5 stars because in the category of Ma and Pop restaurants, this is as good as it gets!

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