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    I was actually in CO's two years ago, and they sure cleaned the place up.  I'd still pay never to have to go in there again, but that's only because of memories of a floor covered in vomit and backed-up toilet water.  It's much nicer now, or at least it was two years ago, but it's a college bar, which means that you should leave your sophistication and morals at the door.

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    It is literally the bare minimum to be considered a bar.  A rectangular room with sticky floors and terrible music.  Filled with Bros and Hoes.  But they serve minors so I guess thats the whole point right?

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    When I went in it smelled overpoweringly like barf. Remembrance of the stomach bile stink still haunts me whenever I think of or pass by this eyesore. It was so strong I couldn't talk, listen or even think. I could hardly choke down the swill and nod to whatever crap music was playing or in rough acknowledgment of what I thought someone else was saying. WHAT DID SHE SAY? THIS PLAY DUCKLING BUCKS? Its pretty loud.

    Needless to say it was also too crowded, dark and dirty. I realize that I am not exactly in their target market, being over 21 and all, but this place is just horrifically bad. Those that characterize this bar as anything but an unmitigated crap-dungeon are either lying to themselves or have never been to a decent bar.

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