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    Excellent food and friendly people!

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    Excellent food and friendly people!

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    Excellent food and friendly people!

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    Excellent food and friendly people!

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    This place gets two stars because WTF is up with the creepy/awkward clown murals on the wall?  I guess it's better than trying to find somewhere to eat in Dayton and, frankly, I don't know enough about Liberty to tell if this is sub-par there or not.  The food was alrigth, typical cheap Mexican fare, but the ambiance gave me the willies.

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    I tried to give this place zero stars but I wasn't able...

    I'm Serious! This place is garbage.  I don't even know where to start!  From the time I walked into this place, the nightmare began... first off, it's decorated like a demented fun house.  They have clowns hanging all over the brightly colored walls, and it only gets worse... If you have an archenemy, buy them a gift card for this place... No wait... scratch that... Don't even spend your money on a gift card, just feed them a sack of hot trash, and you'll get the same effect.

    Let me tell you how it all went down... You see, this place is in a small town, and it's even complete with the small town stigma.  (My family has visible tattoos, and may not appear like your average country-bumpkin).  Therefore, we were immediately given the "stank-eye" as we rolled through the doors.  Good thing the staff was money hungry, because despite the nasty glares they were throwing, they still allowed us to sit down and order... that was our 2nd mistake (our 1st being showing up in the first place).  I ordered a taco salad... My God. How do you mess that up? Seriously... even Taco Bell can do that one.  Anyway... I tried to choke down the food... that is until my daughter asked me, "Daddy, what is this?" and held up the fingertip of a vinyl glove that was in her enchilada gravy... I almost turned my taco salad into a barf-salad... (which probably would have been an improvement) When I called the waiter over, and showed him what the "prize" was in the kids meal, he took it and went into the kitchen to get some answers... Well, when Detective Friday came back, he told us he thought it was the skin on a tomato.  Uhhh.  NO.  I have worked as a cook in several different kitchens that use vinyl gloves, and I KNOW what they look like, and feel like, and it was DEFINITELY a piece of glove. I told Super Sleuth I knew it was a glove, so he went and got the manager... (3rd mistake... 3 strikes, and you're out!!) The manager came over, and heard what was going on, and didn't even apologize for what had happened... she didn't even offer to comp the meal or do anything to try and make amends... On top of ALL of this (as if this wasn't enough!) She then proceeded to insult my family by calling us trash!  I could not believe my ears.  I have NEVER been insulted like that in a place I was actually a paying customer!!!  OH... PLEASE... HOLD ON... IT GETS EVEN BETTER...   So, after this, I got a little irate... I wanted to leave, and when the manager was ringing us out... (yes, actually charging us for the meal after it had foreign objects in it, and tasted like garbage... and even insulting my whole family)... I decided to YELP! right there on the spot!! I started blurting out to everyone in the restaurant that my daughter found a piece of a glove in her food, and not to eat here... WHOA... this did NOT go over well whatsoever with the little manager lady, and she told us we had to leave immediately, but I was still in the process of Yelping.  I guess this was the cue for Bubba, the 7' corn-fed country boy, to stand up and fulfill his life long dream as a bouncer because he then physically removed us from the establishment.  The cops were called as the icing on the cake, and when they showed up... it turns out, the "manager" of the restaurant, was actually a police officer for the city too.  (That's my luck for ya.)  To make a long story short, we were asked to leave, and we gladly obliged, and vow never to return.

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