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    My husband and I were disappointed in the quality of food. We won't be going back to this location. The cook definitely needs better training or a career change! Yuck! One good thing is that the manager didn't charge us for the appetizer and my husbands meal.

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    It's chilis. What more is there to say? All the staff I've encountered have been pleasant and prompt. On one visit my food came out all wrong, twice, they were still nice about it. And James F., I was pregnant on that visit and let me tell you what I ordered did not taste good!! ;)
    I do like the drinks, when I can drink and the Caribbean salad is pretty yummy.
    It's hit or miss at every chilis I'd say, this is no different from any other chilis I've been to.

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    Chili's: It will do in a pinch.  Just know that service is hit or miss. But the food will always be the same-whether you're in Buda or the Newark airport.  Steer clear of the "fancier" menu items and just get a burger and fries.  The only veering you may want to do is toward the Mexican eggrolls (I have them as entree) or believe it or not the Cajun chicken pasta.  Oh and the Cesar with grilled shrimp.  Ok that's it. And maybe dessert. Wait a minute.  I love Chilis.  It's the Echelon of fine dining.

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    well, we went back again to chili's in buda twice in the last 2 weeks...great food again, super service, and manager checked upon us to make sure we were doing well. Funny thing, the last 2 times we have gone, the host has always tried to seat us by the bar. But, we decline....no big deal..just thought it was funny especially having 2 little ones!

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    I ate a cobb salad and I got food poisoning. I do not recommend it!!!

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    Sorry Buda, you're not impressing me so far.  Chili's experience: snooty bartender, place/menus needed to be cleaned, not so good "fresh" margarita and one of the worst salads I've ever had.

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    Our waiter for this visit was not the brightest crayon in the box...in fact, I think he was more like the one that fell out in the car and melted under the floor mat, only to be found several months later...

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    Not too bad at beginning. Only had 15 min wait for arriving at 5:30pm on a Fri.  Once we were seated then the screaming kid attacks started!! Why do parents wait for ever to take screaming kids outside. Thank God for menu cuz waiter speaks so fast and low in a loud restaurant it makes it very hard to understand!!! Other than this food came out in good time and was pretty good! Just tired of Chili's probably will make another place our "go to" restaurant pretty soon.

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    The things i like on the Chili's menu, i really like. The things i don't .. well, i don't !

    My favorite part of Chili's are the El Nino margaritas. They ROCK !

    Have you tried their mashed potato's lately? Try them. They are really good! Seriously. The burger I had the other night was pretty good as well. It had Shiner Boch BBQ sauce on it.

    Chili's is good food for the money. Always crowded and loud.

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    Count this one under there were no viable food options in the area; plus my pregnant cousin wanted to go there. So, its Chili's. The one place that Bourdain pointed out as the enemy on his US/Mexico border episode.

    Service was adequate but it lost momentum right away after the hostess seated us in an elevated booth with a baby in my arms. Little Rooster is tall; I opted for a rare booster seat so he wouldn't be picking the gum off the underside of the table. Minus some common sense here don't you think?

    My Taco Trio was uneventful. Crappy rice, beans, pulled pork with Shiner Bock BBQ sauce; and a minimal score for the shrimp tacos. The Chips, Salsa, and queso were the only highlight if there was one. I honestly didn't detect the usual hint of vinegar in the salsa which I normally cringe over. Cousin's meal was a "eatin for the baby" experience. Everything tastes good when your knocked up!

    Would I recommend you drop everything your doing and run down here? The answer would be an enthusiastic no. The enemy did its best to impress. It might have won me over if I ordered the Mushroom Jack Beef Fajitas. Here is my advice for you folks in Buda; go to Austin and try something that is not a chain. I'm smashing your menu with my size 12 work boots right now. Thanks for the advice Tony.

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    Well, I won't complain about the tap water, as the water in Buda is funky everywhere. What they did have going for them was late night hours to get a drink after a movie or whatever. No more late night during the week is a bummer. I do understand it is likely a corporate decision based on numbers, but Buda needed that! Oh Well.

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    do not order plain tap water!  not only does it smell awful, but it tastes as bad as it smells!

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    I like Chili's.

    I never thought I would utter those words.  When the Chili's first opened up in Buda, we went, 'cause I like to drink with my meal.  The food was crap, the servers were all new, and the drinks were *ok*

    Fast forward to now, and we go there frequently.  The fam loves the queso-with beef in it.  And I love, love, love the presidente margarita, and this new concoction with cranberry in it.  

    I had a big-mouth apple bacon cheeseburger Saturday night.  It was fabulous.  And I almost ate the whole darn thing.  

    Considering the selection of eateries in Buda, we'll keep going back.

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