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    Best I can tell this place is closed down again.  I have never been here, just drive by.

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    I drove by tonight (a Thursday)@ 6pm and it sure looks like the place is out of business.  The TV's were still on the porch tho, it looks like it just closed down.  Not a light on or any sign of life there.  We tried it twice since it opened, place looked great but was pretty much non functional.

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    Just not good.

    My first experience was right after they opened and was an absolute nightmare.  I gave them time to get their stuff together because I really did want them to succeed (I liked the concept and thought Conroe needed a sports bar like this).  After they changed management, I thought it was a good time to try lunch there again.

    Though the service did make the jump from atrocious to just poor, nothing else progressed.  Their menu is plain and so is the actual food.  The offerings are clearly just reheated food off of a distribution truck.  The burger patty for instance, tastes like it came straight out of the box, was heated up with no seasoning or other preparation and delivered to the table on a bun.

    As mentioned previously, the service is poor.  The waitresses seem very preoccupied even in a dead restaurant.  Refills are a serious imposition.

    The interior is cool.  The owner obviously had an idea that he wanted to pursue.  He dumped a lot of money into making a cool sports bar and grill.  You need more than money and an idea to run a successful business though.  This place needs improvement in almost every other way.

    It may be a cool place for drinks and I might not be so hard on them if they weren't advertised as a restaurant.  Just because you pour drinks doesn't mean everything else has to suck.  There are plenty of sports bars serving good food with good service.  Unfortunately it's just a bit further of a drive to them for me.

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    I played free poker there with friends Tuesday night and I have to say that the inside is very posh, trendy and clean.  What blew me away was the quality and the quantity of food they serve at a great price.  I felt like i was eating at The Cheesecake Factory but at half the cost.  Good selection of beer on tap, tons of nice TV's everywhere for sports and their DJ is excellent.  Between food, service and atmosphere I would consider this the best place in the area to spend time with friends after work or on the weekends.

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    This place is fairly new according to the bartender who assisted us, but it looks like it has great potential.  A couple friends and I stumbled upon it after a couple hours on the shooting range, so we were ready for a couple beers.  

    The inside took us by surprise.. from the outside, it looks like a Texas Roadhouse.. but the inside is a pretty nice and well equipped sports bar.  There are TV's everywhere with plenty of options to watch.  

    Beer selection is pretty solid - nothing real out there, but everything you'd expect to find.  

    Food selection is typical bar food with a couple twists.  They do have some pulled pork nachos which i look forward to trying next time I am there.  They have hamburgers, sandwiches, wings, chips and queso, wraps and much more.
    We have some queso and wings.  They both were good, no complaints about the food.  A friend also had a burger and said it was good.  

    Service was adequate.. The place was pretty empty as it was 2 or 3 pm on a Saturday.  Bartender kept our drinks filled up.  No complaints about the service.

    I'll be back for some college football once the season starts.. or maybe a World Series game.. .or maybe a Texans game.. or maybe just because.  The place has sticking potential, so hopefully it'll find some regulars and stay put for a bit as they appear to have a good portion of $$$ tied up in the interior decor.

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    Ok, visit number 2.
    I decided to stop in and watch the second half of the NASCAR race at Daytona last night.
    It was nice to see that they had some business, the parking lot was pretty full. That being said, it would have been nice if they had enough seats for the clientele. Lots of people standing around.
    It was a little disappointing to have only 3 TVs in the whole place showing the race though, and obviously no place to sit down. Not the end of the world though. So, I find a place to stand behind two guys (also watching the race) at the bar. After a few minutes the barmaid acknowledged me and brought me a cold beer, but mentioned that she only had small glasses, so she would give me two for the regular price of the large draft - whatever, as long as it's cold, right?!?
    Now, there is an MMA PPV event happening later, probably the reason why they were that busy, but with 30 laps to go, every TV in the place switches to the preliminary advertising for the upcoming fight. So, everyone, watching whatever sporting event they were there for, is in an uproar, looking around trying to find out what's going on.

    I asked a server and was told it was because of the PPV and 'sorry it can't be changed' !!!

    Well, not good enough, I saw the manager and asked and he did change the TV right in front of me and the two guys at the bar also watching the race. This took long enough that there were only 13 laps left though!

    SORRY this is so long, but, I want to be sure that you understand the rating clearly.

    Now, I've been there for a while and have had an empty glass in my hand for at least 10 minutes. So, I flag down the barmaid for another beer. Mind you at this point I am still in pretty good humor. She brings the beer and when she hands it to me, it's in a glass that has just come out of the dishwasher and is so hot, that it is almost difficult to hold on to it!!! But, before I can mention it (which I shouldn't have to do - how can you tend bar and not know that beer shouldn't be poured into a hot glass?) she's gone. Now the place is pretty busy, but there are two bartenders at this location and it's not that many people that two shouldn't have been able to easily keep everyone happy.

    The two guys in front of me finish their meals and are trying to get her attention to pay. Eventually they give up and grab the other bartender and pay him. (lots of caution laps, so this took some time) The race finishes and they leave.
    Great, I can sit down, have something to eat and watch the fights.

    So, I take a seat at the bar. The previous patrons tip, dirty glasses, silverware, napkins, etc. are all still in front of me. I patiently wait for her to come back and bus the area, get a menu and maybe another COLD beer. And I wait. And I wait. Then she after at least 20 minutes, she sees the 5 dollar bill on the bar and asks me if I want to check out. I advise her that it is the tip from the prior patrons. Before I can get another word out of my mouth she grabs the $5 spins around and is gone again - WITHOUT BUSSING THE MESS!!!! Still no menu, nor another beer. I am laughing now because the guy next to me is also in total disbelief at the piss poor service. He said it was his first time there and that he probably wouldn't be back.

    After another few minutes, a couple came up to the bar (I was near the end, only one seat to my left was open) hoping to get a drink. 10+ minutes before they were acknowledge, then she got their drinks - and STILL didn't clear the mess. It had now been there for at least 45 minutes since the previous patrons left!! And it wasn't just in front of us, we were laughing because there was crap all the way down the bar in front of just about everyone. They were making excuses to people about serving them beer in plastic cups while the bar was full of dirty glasses! lol

    FINALLY, I could take it no more. I had been there for a little more than 2 HOURS never received a menu, and in two hours was only able to manage to get 2 beers and had to sit in the previous diners wake of dirty dishes the whole time!!!

    CHOFA's you are setting a bad precedent. With so much potential to succeed, you are killing yourself with the extremely poor quality of service!!! I went to the bar because of the poor table service the prior visit, because it's almost a given that you will be attended to at the bar - NOT!

    I like the idea of your establishment, and may give you one more try, BUT get it wrong again, and I will not be back, as I am sure many people have already decided will be their course of action. You can only use the excuse that you are new and still figuring it out for so long!

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    I was drawn into here because a bunch of coworkers always spend their time after work here. In addition, I was drawn in because they are the only place in the Houston area that I know of that has BBQ pulled pork nachos (commence the drooling, right?).

    The food was subpar (my girlfriend ordered chicken wings and, I of course, ordered the nachos). The nachos were okay. They put too much BBQ sauce on them. The pulled pork was surprisingly good, but it doesn't make up for the fact that there was so much BBQ drowning the dish. Additionally, the chips were stale and gross. As for the chicken wings, they weren't bad, but definitely not good.

    Now, the emphasis definitely rides on the service, the terrible service. After we were sat down by some rude hostess, the waiters couldn't get their stuff right and we were getting asked what we wanted to drink by two different people, yet the drinks weren't coming. Forget about getting a refill!

    Bad service + subpar food = no second chance.

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    I can't wait to go back, the service was beyond excellent. I had their crawfish and it was very tasty. They brought me melted butter, wipes, and a roll of paper towels. I liked that I didn't have to ask for it.   Drawbacks, their frozen ice machine wasn't working so i couldn't order the drink I wanted to try and they didn't refill my water.  Not a big deal this time. I'll return again and bring the family to get their reaction.

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    Being new it's hard to get good service up front.  Being that prices are decent and proximity near where I live. I'll go back because it's a good atmosphere and good place.

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    This place is awful. We are here yo way h the fight because this is the only place in Conroe showing it an they charged $5 at the door for men... This is a bat and grill, not a sports bar. This is my second visit and I'm just here to give it another chance.  The wait service is extremely slow. Our waitress Candice is rude. Her boyfriend was sitting behind us and they left without paying. I ordered a long island ice tea. This drink tastes nothing like a long island should.
    On my first visit I had to send my good back twice. Once because it was cd Kim it was in the fridge and the second time because they have m the same plate that they heated up in the microwave. I had taken a bite out of it! Then the ticket could t be split into the four parties that we had eating with us.
    This place will not last long.

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    This place is new near my house. I just moved here about 3 weeks ago and I added this place to yelp (that is actually my chicken dinner in the profile pic for Chofa's). They apparently had just opened as I had been told there was something there previously. Coming from CA there are lots of fun and entertaining sports bars and this looked hip and cool from the outside. After a hard weeks work, I decided to stop in and have a couple of cocktails and get some dinner with the family.

    First off, the service was pretty slow. It took a while to get my drink that I ordered and when I received it, it was in a tall glass with a TON of ice. I asked the server if I could get the next drink with a little less ice so I could actually taste the drink I ordered (lemonade and sweet tea vodka) when the 2nd drink came around it had almost no ice and it was filled to the brim (it was a pint size glass) with lemonade. So this time I had all lemonade and almost NO alcohol. At this point I gave up trying to have a satisfiying cocktail!

    Second, we ordered our dinner and it took quite some time to come out. My chicken dinner - again as you can see in the profile pic - was just ok. My mashed potatoes were cold and you can see the cheese on top was not even melted! The chicken breast was huge - i think it was some sort of tequila lime flavor. Was just barely noticeable.

    Third, being new I gave the server more credit that what is due - but she didn't know the menu AT ALL! She kept having to go "check" with the kitchen or bartender. She didn't know what she was doing. Then I over heard a manager yelling at a server for accidentally serving some one a pina colada when they clearly asked for "virgin" colada!!! yikes!! That is scary!

    Overall this place has a lot of potential, good location, good atmosphere, TVs all over the place and a huge interior and exterior bar! They even have "torpedos" which are hard to find - basically it is a tall skinny beer dispenser that holds up to 8 beers and you can dispense yourself at your table. This place could be an awsome place to hang out on the weekend and watch some games, but they have some work to do to get on it with their food and drinks!

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    Ok, so, while my wife is probably not up for a second chance, I will probably give them another try eventually and cut them some slack for being "kinda" new.  Again, was hoping to find a local restaurant to support and this seemed to be it . . . or so I hoped.  It is almost like a nice looking sports bar.  They have done a great job with the interior and the wide open feel it has is really nice.  It has plenty of TV's a super long bar and an outside area, all pluses.  

    However, there were some major flaws.  Even being "major" a few can be overlooked but a few others they are going to have to change.  

    First, the ones that can possibly be overlooked as maybe me being picky.  First, they don't use Heinz ketchup.  Fine, call it picky, but it is a skipping of quality which is never a good sign.  Second, the burgers, which by the way, our waitress told us was one of their specialties, hmm, was a good size, but was just one of those form burgers you usually buy in like quantities of 10 in a little plastic bag.  Not much flavor and just doesn't "feel" right when biting into it.  Let's be real here, for $5 you can get a burger at Cheddar's or Red Robin and it kicks this burgers rear.  Also, I got bacon and it is just plain 'ol Oscar Meyer bacon.  Sure, just don't order it, but still, why not get a thick cut, maple smoked cut and make it a real bacon burger.  

    Also, maybe not even major, but they don't have kid's glasses.  You know, the one with the top.  Not a big issue, especially if they don't mind cleaning up lots of knocked over glasses, but really?  Get some silo Styrofoam, a lid and a straw.  Keep the kid busy for hours and keep them dry.

    Some major points!  Slow, slow, and slow. Look, this isn't fine dining, so tell me they are letting me savor the experience or anything.  Here is a key in a sports bar.  Get the initial drink order taken and delivered to the table and you got a happy table.  Keep them waiting and you lost it.  Also, the margarita was like shaved ice.  It was for my wife and she doesn't even like the alcohol, she is happy with the mix, but they barely put any in it.  She tried to explain it and the waitress had no clue what she was talking about.  I'm not dogging her, not everyone is cut out for being a waitress.  I give them props, I couldn't do it, but then again, I don't.  It was big, but it was a big thing of ice.  Anyway, we sent it back (although they tried to charge us for it which actually doesn't bug me, no biggie, I caught it).  I had one drink and would have had more but she didn't ask till I was  of the way done with my meal.  That then left us with only my 4 year old daughter's lemonade.  We rationed it to the rest of us.  We were not brought water or anything and my wife was never offered anything else.  Whatever, again, no biggie, don't worry I got a cramp from dehydration just walking to my car afterward, I'll be fine.

    So, let's save the best for last.  The place was clean and smelled good.  Praise the lord the Golden Corral smell was nowhere to be found.  We got a few fried items and the grease they were cooking them in was obviously fresh and well prepared.  On my burger, I liked the bun, good size, tasted fresh all the way around.  The kid's burgers were two little sliders that were real nice.  My wife got the Philly steak and while she didn't really like it, I thought it tasted really good.  

    So, I would like to go back and maybe try some of the typical bar style food and see what I think.  See if they can get a little better at service (and managing it) and see what I think.  Clientele looked clean and good and it was not an obnoxiously loud place.  

    I can't right now give it better than 2 stars, because if you are going to be new, you better bring you're A game.  I will reserve the right to amend my post after "growing pains" are past.  For now, I can't see any reason to make this a regular stop or to waste my time.

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