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    This place is a good restaurant.  Most people think its just ice cream, but the owner makes everything fresh.  The fish is so light and tender that if you order it once it becomes an instant fav.  Rob also tries new sandwiches and dishes all the time, havent had a single thing that wasn't tasty.  They are not a part of a chain, but they are local owned and care about customers... I go often, with no hesitation and never a reservation.

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    Recently moved to Converse and have been loving visiting the Big Dipper. This restaurant is set up much like an old soda fountain and with that comes the classic sodas, shakes and malts. Now to the food; everything I have tried there has been great! From the fish to the chicken and noodles to the reuben. All has been very good! The atmosphere is wonderful and the staff is super friendly. If you are ever are driving through Converse stop by for a phosphate!

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