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    Loved this place.  My husband, son and I stopped here while driving from Washington to Calif.  it is a bit off the road but really worth it.  

    The restaurant was cute as could be.  A lovely outdoor patio on the street corner with cute plants and tables.  The food was delish.  And, yes, the kids cheese and lunchmeat platter was perfect for my boy.  Their ice tea was perfectly brewed (sun tea) and it was the most wonderful relaxing time.

    The building is a bit funky.  An old building in an old town that has been painstakingly cared for.  No one has attempted to make this anything that it isn't.  It has real character in a real town.

    Highly recommended!

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  • 0

    Had the Reuben. Nothing special but certainly a decent meal. The menu is probably bigger than it needs to be (lasagna and burgers?) but the food was serviceable, especially for small town fare. Prices are very fair, too.  They have an awesome kid's plate too, with sliced meat and cheese and fruit.

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