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    This place is disgusting.

    This place reeked of cigarette smoke and there was just another calibor of people here that I am not accustomed to nor have I encountered, ever. Beware.

    Trash everywhere, napkins and cigarette butts littered everywhere. It was dirty. My friends said she almost lost her cookies when she attempted to use the restroom. There was karaoke, but nothing fun or sing-along was being played. Just say no.

    I will not be returning here, ever. Just gross!

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    Debauchery is one of the newer bars in the downtown Melbourne strip, and sets itself apart for having a huge number of beers on tap (35 according to their website) in addition to a full bar. The beers are priced competitively and it's actually a better value for your buck to drink beer over their mixed drinks (with the exception of drink specials). We had cocktails and beer, and our beer total was significantly cheaper than our (strong, well mixed) cocktails.

    It seems like Debauchery always has something going on - a theme night (such as Trivia night, or Thirsty Thursdays) or live music. The crowd in the later evenings is going to be a bit more "active", but come earlier and it's still possible to have a conversation with someone either in front of or behind the bar. Lots of TVs show sporting events and complimentary popcorn can keep you glued to your barstool for much longer than you had planned.

    Smoking is allowed at this bar, perhaps the only reason I don't spend more time here. I wish they would install those air filters that draw the smoke away, because even when the cavernous bar is sparsely attended my clothes end up reeking of cigarette smoke when I leave.

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