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    We used to go to Dingus often when it was up in Colfax. It was so good back then and the service was great, since all of the servers had been there forever.  We used to always request Nancy...she was awesome!! Then they sold and made some changes and unfortunately it went down hill fast, so it was no longer our "go to" spot...disappointing to say the least!! Then a guy...saying he was the old owner,  came into the Home Depot that I work at, and started talking about their menu. We discussed one of the biggest mistakes the new owner made...eliminating the homemade rosemary bread that they used to serve!! It was so good...and a huge loss.  That was one of the many reasons we stopped going to Dingus!!  He said that they were definitely going to add it back in! I was very happy to hear that, so my husband and I made plans to go back in.

    The first time we went, we walked in and the hostess was so incredibly rude, so much so that she yelled at us and told us that we were ridiculous for trying to come in without a reservation...we could wait in the bar and maybe they would have a cancellation and she could get us in!! I told her what I thought of that idea, and we promptly left!

    That Christmas my husbands work had their Christmas party there.  We went and were definitely not impressed, but figured since it was in their banquet facility, that things may have been a little different by design in order to feed the masses in a timely, efficient manner.  

    Last weekend, we finally decided to give it ONE more chance. We went ahead and made a reservation and showed up early.  It was definitely a better experience as far as our encounter with the hostess...it wasn't the same lady so we had that going for us!  We got seated upstairs...which unfortunately on that day it was  hot outside and it wasn't all that refreshing inside and even less refreshing upstairs.  But we were trying to be good sports and roll with it.  Our inexperienced server was very friendly, but not very prompt.  Our drinks took forever to get there, and even longer for some bread. And to answer the question that must be nagging in your mind...no they definitely did not offer the rosemary bread.  It was cold sour dough with even colder butter that needed a mason's tool to spread it! My husband added the cup of clam chowder to his dinner and when it came out it was very soupy...not chowder like at all...and was not even slightly good.  So my husband sent it back and requested a ceasar salad.  Unfortunately, it came out after our dinner was served.  Who wants a pre-dinner salad once the main event has arrived?  

    Our dinners arrived, and neither of us were all that wowed!  It was good, but nothing outstanding.  Unfortunately, I think the world has moved on without Dingus McGees.  There are so many places that have perfected a great steak dinner, that it would be a crime to choose this restaurant when you would be better served, literally, at just about any steak house in Roseville.

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    Good food, kinda disappointed with the cheesy bread... It was a burger bun!?!?

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    The atmosphere is great - same as when the Headquarter House was there.  They have lots of property with many choices of where to sit... Private, or social, indoor or outdoor etc.

    The food was not any sort of special cuisine but it was good.  The garlic fries were EXQUISITE. :)

    The service was good, and our waiter was polite and prompt.

    As posted in other reviews, there ARE a lot of unsavory mountain folk.  If that bothers you, you're not going to like this place.
    A toothless guy with a tank top that said "bite me" struck up a conversation with us about our salad. But I didn't mind too much.  It's Auburn after all....

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