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    Totally bummed!  We are major fans of the Long Point location but were up this way...Scotty seems to really like this location so we enthusiastically headed in...we were greeted kindly and the manager brought us a high chair.  We sat.  And sat.  Meanwhile a server was sitting at a table writing down the specials in her pad.  And we sat, and sat.  Finally a lady comes over and takes our drink order, hooray!  I was excusing the less than attentive service on me just being SO SPOILED by the Long Point location.  
    And then we sit.  And sit.  Now, I wanted a beer, but it was also lunchtime for the Pax Man and really needed that cup of milk to come out.  I was watching the server and she was just standing behind the bar, and the bartender wasn't doing anything/
    Continued to sit, and another server comes over and asks if we had ordered...we told her yes, but our drinks have never come out.  She says she will go check on them and we repeated our order to her.  She goes behind the bar, and again, no motion from the bartender...a couple of minutes later, I see her coming back with a Styrofoam cup and I think "okay fine, as long as Pax gets something to drink.." AND SHE TAKES IT OUTSIDE!!!  
    I very, very rarely walk out of places but if this is how poorly the drink service was going, I was not going to stick around to see how slow the food service was.  It would be Wednesday before we got our meal.
    The very nice manager came out and asked us what happened, and he was very apologetic and gave us two coupons for lunch that we could use at the other location, which was very nice.  I will not be back to this location, though!  He said he had changed the tables and the servers must not have realized it, but anyone in food service knows that when it's REALLY slow and you all see a table just sitting there, you make sure they are covered.  Net/net, nice manager, poor wait staff.

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    Great little spot for a sandwich and beer. Their grilled potato salad is a unique treat, and probably the main thing that drives me to go quite frequently for lunch. It isn't listed on the menu that you can grill it... but do. It's delicious.

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    Dog & Duck in Park West is a great local spot to grab some quick food. On Fridays they do a rib special for a great deal. I am pretty picky when it comes to ribs but these are falling off the bone. One of my favorites is the Yeti Dog- a thick bacon wrapped all beef hot dog that has been deep fried. Then top it with BBQ Sauce, tomatoes, and pepper jack cheese. Flavor explosion in your face.

    Every time I go in, I say I'm going to get something else, but then I end up going back to the Yeti Dog. The food is always good and it happens to be right down the street from me.

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    terrible service

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