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    Pretty cool place.  Laid back place with good food and drinks.  HH til 9pm which is 2 for 1 beers.  Most of their drinks and food is moderately priced and service is friendly.  They also have a bunch of tvs so you can catch a game.  

    I will be back.

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    I went to this place for the first time today and it blew my expectations away
    My friend told me they renamed this place to ALPHA GASTROPUB... interesting
    several things that I LOVED about this place:

    1) The MUSIC. I was thankful that on a friday night that this place was NOT bumping KPOP. I love love kpop but I love some old school faves MUCH MUCH more! they were bumping a lot of outkast music, which I thought was amazing

    2) The decorations were beautiful! I loved how they allow customers to add some variety and artistic mark to the place. If you have a table that is next to the wall filled with drawing, Alpha provides markers at every table to advocate drawing on the wall. :)

    3) The services were great. The waiters and waitresses were very attentive to us Even though they made a mistake for charging us an extra pitcher of beer, the staff were very professional and quickly brought our new bill. Nice and quick

    4) The food is excellent and not too greasy.

    5) I love how they were playing basketball games on the big screen and not KPOP music videos. loveeeeeee it

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    Oh wow! My first time today! I think they renamed the place Alpha...My friend and I chose this over Mr. Wasabi bc the prices were about the same but Dok Do had a nicer atmosphere and ready for Halloween! Awesome decorations...

    We were the first ones there for dinner.. We ordered the alpha bulgogi (special chili sauce), the regular bulgogi, and a seafood pancake! They first brought out a mildly spicy mussel soup. It was okay. When our bulgogi's came out, I was excited bc I was starving already. I can't really take spiciness... the alpha was a bit on the spicy side.. I still ate it and it tasted delicious! I just had to drink a lot of water after a few pieces.

    My regular bulgogi was very fresh and the aroma of it just circulated throughout my mouth. I didnt even eat much if it bc i chowed down all the pancake first!!! My favorite was the seafood pancake!!. Then i took my bulgogi to go :) we spent $50 including tax and tip. Food & atmosphere.... Worth every penny !!!

    P.s. bathroom has adorable decorations. And a floating head as well. Loved all the Halloween decorations and cobwebs! A++

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