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    Been eating here on and off for over 13yrs, definitely a good place to eat. I mean Alot of the food is frozen but the burgers are pretty delicious, and then Chinese food is decent.

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    A funky little drive-in with an attached indoor dining area. The service was fast, the food tasty (chili and a tuna sandwich) and the staff gracious. We left with a smile on our faces.

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    Did not like the fried chicken it looks good but I didn't like the fact that the chicken ended up making my stomach upset and it tasted like it was boiled then fried. The fried rice was alright. The soda was about the only thing I really enjoyed from here.

    Heard the Hamburgers here are awesome though!

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    Okay I am bias. I grew up in Fowler and my parents still live there but I always go to Elaines for a cheese burger and fries. It's good food and if you go for lunch (inside), you will see a lot of town folks chatting about the latest gossip. I agree that this place needs a pick me up but in the 20 years that I have known this place, nothing has changed much.

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    Ok, I know this place has been reviewed for the Chinese food...but ya gotta try the fried chicken!  Served over steamed rice...this is a great treat.  I have been here with friends on 3 different occasions, and have had the chicken each time.  You can have it with either a mild or hot sauce served with it.

    While the place could use an interior decorator...the chicken dish won't disappoint you.  I have to admit, I do need to try the Chinese food or even a hamburger.  They did look good...as other patrons ordered them.

    While the place is not fancy by any means, it beats the heck out of going to a fast food joint.  The food is very affordable and the wait staff is very friendly...heck if you love rice as I do, they will bring more to you if you want more with your chicken meal.

    I would give them a try if you want a good meal at bargain prices.  Fowler is a small town in the central valley that reminds me of a small midwestern friendly place...and Elaine's fits right in!

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    Family responsibilities require us to be in Bakerfield 2-3 times a month, and on the drive down from Clovis we usually stop in this place for a bowl of noodles and/or some Chinese. The place is housed in a converted ice cream shop; you can place your order at the walk-up window or have a seat inside and be served there. The menu is your basic burgers/fries and Chinese stirfries with rice.

    The only reason to eat there, in my opinion, is the Hong Kong style wonton soup. All of the other Chinese dishes (sweet and soup pork, cashew chicken, etc.) were pretty bland, and honestly a a little greasy, but their wonton soup is quite good, flavored as it is with garlic, ginger slivers, and big chunks of bok choi.

    Be warned, however - the food is served center-of-the sun hot. Each time we've been there we've had to leave the food sit for 10 minute before we could even begin to eat it, and once I had to resort to putting ice cubes in my soup because we were in a hurry and I just couldn't put it in my mouth other wise.

    I've by no means recommend driving all the way from Fresno to eat here, but if you're on I-99 anyway, it beats McDonalds.

    Oh, and the homemade Best Hamburger in the World signs plastered all around the parking lot are a bit off-putting.

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