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    This used to be one of my favorite places in Parlier but I think they changed their name and owners (I can't remember the new name at all). My friends and I used to come here all the time since he lived right down the street and it was so cheap. I used to get a burrito with some fries and a big cup of horchata. The horchata here was really good since it didn't get really grainy and thick at the bottom from all the powder. The burritos were less than four dollars and were a decent size (though not too big, which was a bummer). They used whole beans on my burrito and add rice, cheese, sour cream, tomatoes, lettuce, etc. The owners were usually really cool but I have no clue as to how it is now. I think they might have gotten new employees. Also, i can't really remember if they accepted cards. I am leaning towards the "no" side.  Expect an update after I visit once more.

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