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    When we go on a Sunday, I jump at the chance to have their turkey and dressing. Not up to what mom used to make or what my wife makes, but pretty good when eating out.

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    Went for dinner with my mother, aunt and uncle and a family friend the evening before Mothers Day 2012. The crowd for a Saturday evening seemed typical, altho I don't know for sure since I do not live here.

    Service was slow to start, we ordered drinks and the family friend and I decided to share a bottle of wine. Everyones drinks came except for the wine. Waiter said she would be right back with that.
    Five minutes pass. Waiter shows up with 2 wine glasses - no bottle. A few more minutes pass. Waiter shows up with the wine but no opener. Explains that she has to find someone to open the bottle because she does not know how and rushes off.

    Who puts a waiter on the floor that has no idea how to open a wine bottle?

    She comes back and explains she can't find anyone to open the bottle for her. Exasperated, I ask her for the corkscrew and I open it myself. As I set the bottle down she picks it up and begins to pour both glasses practically to the brim. No tasting offered. Good thing the wine wasn't corked.

    Again, if you are a manager of a restaurant that serves wine - why aren't the staff trained in the procedure??

    Waiter runs off.

    A few minutes later a manager-type shows up to "help with the wine." Great. If I hadn't already opened it we would have been at the 30 minute mark of our visit when this fellow arrives. I told him so as well as suggesting that the staff be trained in opening bottles. No comment from said 'manager-type'.

    Finally we place our orders. I ordered the ribeye steak, medium rare. On the menu it comes with sauteed mushrooms, onions and peppers. I order it with mushrooms ONLY.

    My mother and aunts dishes come out first, the rest of the tables meals a few minutes later. My steak is covered in onions and peppers. No mushrooms. I point this out and ask for another steak on the fly. I'm not happy. Five more minutes drag past and I am delivered the same steak without the onions/peppers - but now absolutely smothered in mushrooms AND now over cooked.

    Needless to say, we skipped dessert.
    My advice is to skip this place altogether.

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    Burger was ok.  They were a bit stingy with the fries, which I do not  understand for a restaurant like this.  

    The service was sub-par, Service was slow, salads were forgotten about.  We had to ask for more bread, and it was not delivered.  Check came way too soon.  

    I haven't eaten here in a while and I do not think I will be back soon.  

    I wonder why the went from poppy seed muffins to poppy seed doughnuts.  It was so greasy, not like it used to be.  

    The menu seemed rather IHOP-ish.

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