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    I am torn. I want to give this 2.5 stars but since we still don't have that option I went with 3 for the sake of being nice. The staff was friendly and the restrooms were clean and my first thought on seeing the place was, "What a cute little store on the way through Colorado." I have to say, considering it was in the middle of nowhere, I was pleasantly surprised. I was happy to see food and hoped for something hot. Woohoo! A grill! They advertise breakfast sandwiches, so I am thinking this means that we can get a hot something to eat. No such luck. Their idea of a breakfast sandwich is a hardboiled egg with a microwave piece of sausage and a dry English muffin to throw in the microwave. Blah.

    That being said, there are other good snacks and it's a good little stop on the side of the road. If you are looking for a meeting place in the middle of no where or a place to stretch your legs, then this is a good stop. If you are in the mood for real food then keep on driving.

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    What a wonderful place to have at a major intersection for all the car travelers, truck drivers and our group bicycling in the area! It was a treat to be able to grab food, cold drink and have access to a restroom. Cashier woman pleasant, place is clean and love the big wrap-around porch to sit and relax!

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