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    Consistently good food. Reasonable prices. Very unusual specials.
    Sit in bar area or outside if possible.

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    I have been to the restaurant several times and have recommended the restaurant to many friends that have used our mountain homes in the area -- as a matter of fact, we went tonight to use a gift certificate left by one of our house guest.   When we arrived about 6:30 we were greeted warmly by the bartender (I assume -- he came from behind the bar)   -- the place was empty save for four or five people at the bar and one couple at a high top in the bar area.  The bartender asked us if we had a reservation and we stated "no".  He said just a second and he proceeded to finish cleaning a table in front of the fireplace -- we were happy to be seated any where and made no inquiries.  We were seated shortly and were getting settled in when out of no where we were approached  by a tall, overweight man (I think he is the owner -- I had been introduced to him several years ago when the restaurant first opened).  He abruptly inquired again if we had a reservation and we stated no -- he then said that we had to move to a high top bar table -- I was taken aback -- how would he have the nerve to ask us to move once we had been seated and especially when he had an empty restaurant -- I just said we would just go to another restaurant -- he seemed to be happy with this outcome while the bartender seemed to be very embarrassed.  I felt bad for the bartender, but I would not stay -- I will trash the $100.00 gift certificate rather than go back because of the actions of the rude, arrogant owner.  

    I have called a couple of local friends after we left and he said that it sounds like the owner and he treats people like that regularly.  And by reading the reviews, it seems it happens often.  We went to The Cork & Barrel just down the street and had wonderful service and good food.

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    POOR SERVICE, great food
    The maitre d' was not friendly at all he look at us like we did not belong there, then he said he had one table left in the bar area; we were the only table occupied in the whole room.
    the waiters were not overly friendly which is the norm for this area,you would think you were in NYC an even the waiters in NYC are friendlier.
    The food was great.

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    Went here just a few days ago to celebrate our last day of vacation boy was it a mistake. The waitress was awful and we waited a horribly long time for her to clear the table from our appetizers and bring refills. We actually waited so long the hostess came and cleared the appetizer plates. It was very clear that the staff only catered to the people that looked to be very wealthy and well dressed. While we had more than enough money to afford our meal cash it didn't matter because we didn't have the "look" i guess. While they were bringing around the fresh ground pepper to all of the other tables they skipped us and the other table of regular looking people wearing t-shirts and shorts, who by the way waited much longer than anyone else to even be seated.

    Then the manager or whoever it was walking around in a suit asking people how their meals were went to every other table in the restaurant besides ours and the other folks I previously mentioned. Once the food did come out after waiting a very long time (close to an hour) it was not very good at all. First of all the sweet potato mash was ice colt. The elk that I got that was $38 was not cooked how it was ordered and not very warm at all. The wild berry sweet demi glaze was very bitter. My "seasonal vegetables" which were just green beans the easiest thing to cook and they were completely raw! To say the least we were all very disappointed in our meals and the service was completely awful.

    Once our check finally came we paid it and then told someone about our experience once we could actually get ahold of her because it seemed our table got no attention whatsoever. She insisted on giving us a free desert after declining a few times we finally just let them bring out the sunday for us. She also took my meal off of the bill which was the most expensive thing which was nice but it didn't change the service or food quality.

    If you're in the area I say drive right past it and don't think twice! I do however recommend the orchard which isn't too far away and had incredible service and the food was to die for! Now that's a restaurant I will go to year after year.

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    My husband and I had dinner here two nights Ina row last October because our experience was so wonderful.  We spent some time in Cashiers again is past weekend and were so excited to go back.  I made a reservation for 8:15 on a friday night, when we arrived, about 10 minutes early, the hostess simply said, "OK, come back in 10 minutes.". When we finally got seated, around 8:30, it took our waiter 20 minutes to make it to our table for a drink order, and we didn't even order dinner yet....we ended up going to the bar to get our own drinks while we waited for him. I was told about the special, which was a barrel fish, which I had never had.  I contemplated between the special and lamb, but in the end decided on the fish.  Little did I know, after we got the check and saw my dinner was $35, they had run out of the "special" fish and substituted the barrel for a grouper!   Don't get me wrong, the fish was awesome and delicious, but I can get grouper any time and certainly wouldn't spend $35 on a fish I can buy from Publix and make at home.  They took it off our bill, but their attitudes dramatically changed.  We'll try going back again in the all, maybe the staff can't handle the summer crowd.

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    Great food!  We decided to sit at the bar with Matt & Chip to eat they were so friendly and fun!  We had Wild Boar Quesadilla with shallot sour cream for appetizer and Duck & Pork burger on a pretzel bun with pepper jelly and pickled tomato for dinner. Both were interesting and delicious.  Not to be out done by desert a french bread white chocolate bread pudding need I say more... A definite stop when you are in the area.

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    The fam spent Memorial Weekend in Cashiers celebrating Dad's 65th. Intrigued by the exotic menu, we booked ressies at The Gamekeeper's Tavern. Venue was fab -- rustic yet charming spot with a fascinating menu including kangaroo fillet, bison brisket, elk chops, buffalo nachos and wild boar quesadillas. The kangaroo and nachos were a personal fave, while the elk was a bit tough and gamey. We rounded out the meal with white chocolate bread pudding (toasted, an unusual yet tasty touch), a fudge sundae topped with candied walnuts, and banana creme pie. While we should've taken a pass on the pie (uninspiring), the bread pudding and sundae were excellent.

    Overall a great experience, and a definite must try if you are in the area. We will certainly be back on our next visit!

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    Stay away unless you like over-paying for bad food and drinks while being mocked by the incredibly rude and self righteous staff. I went here with my fiance last week and was seated at the bar for a couple drinks when my phone rang - it was my parents. I went outside to the deck away from the 3 other people at the place (it was dead and we were there around 4pm). I proceeded to chat with my parents and came back in about 30 minutes later where multiple patrons walked up to me to inform me that the manager was furious and talking trash about how I was not observing the no cell phone policy to everyone in the bar - mind you no one had come up to ask me to hang up or move my conversation to another location. Let me just say that 1) there was no sign saying they has a no cell phone policy outside on their deck; 2) I was speaking with my parents so how offensive could the conversation have been?; 3) it was the middle of the day and no one was there; and 4) I was a paying customer. The manager confronted me when I came back inside and then proceeded to kick me out.

    Unless you like be demeaned by people who can't even spell their own names, I would stay FAR away from this place. The food is WAY better and cheaper at Mica's or the Brewery at Sapphire AND the staff is super sweet and attentive.

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    This is my new all time favorite restaurant but dammit I live in Orlando =( Maybe that's a good thing though since it will save me mega calories. This is definitely a 5 star restaurant. The ambiance is warm and inviting. The service is friendly and professional. The food is seasoned and cooked to perfection.

    We started with a grilled Caesar salad with Parmesan pepper dressing. After that, we went straight to the main course. I decided to try the chef's fish special that evening which was Cobia fish. I was not familiar with this fish but it was just as the server described it. It was nice, white, thick and flaky like a nice piece of grouper. The sauce was perfect. The portions were very generous. One couple at our table paid the $5 up-charge to split their plate and it was hard to believe they were each given half a serving. They definitely made it worth the up-charge.

    Dessert was their signature white chocolate bread pudding. The flavor was again perfection. We would have liked a little more sauce though since the bread pudding was a teensy bit dry but still very delicious. Our friends had a sliced apple dessert that was also very good.

    Game Keeper's Tavern is pricey but definitely worth the money!

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    While staying at Foxhunt resort in Sapphire, NC we chose our restaurant carefully. On vacation, I do the cooking at the suite except for one visit to the best restaurant in the area. Gamekeeper's Taverns website drew our attention. Then we stopped by to check the current menu; it's the same as the dazzling menu online. It wasn't a menu from two chefs ago as we often find.
    We went for dinner tonight and were waited on by a bartender and waitress; no busser. Even though the lounge was full, the service didn't miss a beat. The waitress even said twice, "Thanks for your patience" which wasn't necessary; the service was spot on. We live in South Florida and can spot bad service a mile away. Service was excellent here.

    First, the Yam and Ginger Soup was perfectly balanced. It wasn't too sweet or too strong on the ginger. The trout dinner with Poblano garlic rice was extraordinary; the trout skin was even delicious. The Broken Arrow Burger - a venison burger - was topped with bacon, cheese, and caramelized onions with crispy potato wedges on the side. Gamekeeper's is home-cooked Carolina food kicked up a notch with exotic ingredients and imagination.

    The draft beer and wine selection was a good mix that complements the food. I tried two dark beers - a Sweetwater brew from Atlanta and a Winter Ale by New Belgium brews. They also served a surprisingly good margarita on the rocks.

    You can see they take their quality seriously at Gamekeeper's Tavern.

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    This place is amazing!  If you are ever in the Sapphire Valley, you MUST stop by.  It's very misleading being attached to a Convenience Store.  Inside, this place has very lovely decor and professional wait staff.  The atmosphere is very inviting and has a "lodge" feel about it.  The menu specializes in game, so it's not your average restaurant with 'normal' choices.  I can honestly say I had the best filet of my life "The Montana Filet."  I probably didn't even need teeth to eat it, it was so tender and juicy.  I also sampled my husband's Game Trio which included kobe beef, lamb chop and elk chop.  All were also delicious and flavorful.  The Tavern also had an extensive wine list and a small wine shop attached to the Tavern.  Unfortunately, the wine shop closes too early (6pm on a Friday?!-who does that?) so I did not have a chance to shop.  Overall, this was an amazing dining experience and I would definitely recommend this place to anyone (who is not a vegetarian)!  Love it!

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    Gamekeepers is a mountain treasure. The best way to appreciate a dinner here is to go with a large group, explore the menu and SHARE!
    You will be grated to a broad variety of choices with interesting sauces and preparations.

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    I wish this place was closer....  

    We were there in August 2010 for a wedding weekend in Cashiers, NC...a large group made its way to this place and Gamekeeper's were accomodating and super pleasant!

    Keep in mind this place specializes in organic- wild game.

    The food was exceptional.  I could barely move when I left.  We had a table of about 8 or more and shared a good deal of appy's.  

    Roasted beet salad, duck pizza, wild boar quesadilla, crispy alligator were all delighful.
    The bacon wrapped quail was a huge hit- we ordered a couple of those initially and had to reorder due to its deliciousness.  
    I had the double cut elk chops with a wild berry demi, broccolini and a sweet potato mash .  It was divine.
    BF had the lamb loin chops that were also delectable!
    The wine list was incredible.

    Prices are on the higher end but worth every penny.

    If you are anywhere near Highlands, Cashiers NC it is in your best interest to make your way to this wonderful place.

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