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    Solid place to eat.  

    Hot subs are best.  

    The Stromboli is huge, even if you get a personal size.

    Pizza is alright.

    Salad bar is hit or miss.

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    The high ratings here surprised me. I had a decent lunch from here today, but certainly nothing to write home about. My chicken parmigiana sub was just lots of dough, lots of plain chicken, lots of cheese, not much sauce. Not much flavor.

    My sister and mother's Italian subs seemed better. Still... just an average place, to me. Nothing special.

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    It's all about their bread. It's all made in-house and is fantastic. To put it in perspective; we bought a couple of hundred loaves and served them at my wedding. Yes, I like the bread that much.

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    Great food and friendly waitress. Food was delivered very quickly and was large portions.
    Higher recommended.

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    This second location of Genova's opened when I was in the third grade and my family has frequented it ever since. In the past several years they expanded to add a seperate counter for takeout. They are the only pizza place in town, but thank goodness they are delicious. The bread they use for subs or serve sliced with dinners is made fresh right there, and might be the best Italian bread I have ever had. Their salad bar still has all the same items it had when the place opened, no trendy stuff here. Chocolate pudding, little cubes of ham. They always have yummy soup, my favorite is the wedding.  The chopped chicken stromboli is as good out of the fridge, cold, as it is piping hot and melty. They serve all of the sandwiches with Martin's chips, the greasiest, saltiest, most amazing chips around. They are also extremely inexpensive, including a large variety of cheap beer.

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