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    Cool place accross the street from our Hotel. Very nice people. Good food and cheap drinks. I think it was a good time. The Karaoke cannot be beat.

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    Let me just say straight up that if you're ever near Garibaldi on a Saturday night you owe it to yourself to come here for Janice and Bob's Fun Time Karaoke. Don't even think twice about it--you'll thank me later. I've been to karaoke bars in San Francisco and Portland, and this was by far the best.

    We wandered in here after an hour or two at the neighboring establishment, and immediately upon entry we were treated to the experience of Janice absolutely KILLING Mary J Blige's "Family Affair." Janice, of the aforementioned Fun Time Karaoke, is a white momish women in her 50s or 60s, and her partner Bob is a grey-haired man who's maybe a bit older. Since the bar wasn't very busy when we walked in and no one else wanted to sing, they immediately followed that up with a stunning duet of "Sexyback", complete with grinding. Everyone I was with was looking around at each other in complete disbelief about how awesome they were, and it only got better when they did "Pokerface." At this point the bar got busier and dudes from Woodburn started requesting shitty Seven Mary Three songs, so Janice and Bob didn't do too many more. But if you can manage to catch them at the right time it's mind-blowingly awesome.

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