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    After a long day at Kicking Horse, we headed down to this local pub in the town of Golden, looking for both viands and roborant - food and drink, if you prefer.

    Parking was easy - the town is in the middle of nowhere, and it appears that life comes to a halt around 6PM, so of course we ended up parked right outside the front door. The ladies restroom is the first thing you'll see upon walking in (yes, before you spy the bar), leading me to make some immediate assumptions about the customers. Around the corner, the small bar sports a few individuals glued to the TV watching hockey, but the real value is in the wide booths spread liberally around the place. In the back (by the men's restroom) is an arcade and more booths. I'm guessing this place is the local D&B.

    The food was okay - arrived soon enough - and out waitress Ollie was very well-meaning. That plus the LCD TV (the only one in all of Canada, apparently) would usually be enough to give this place five (canadian) stars, but they committed the cardinal sin of messing up my steak sandwich - and thats an automatic two-star drop right there.

    I ordered... "A steak sandwich, with just the bread, meat, one or two onion rings and banana peppers; with a side of HP sauce" - and received:
    A plate with one garlic bread baguette, a small 6oz steak (the meat was very good, I must admit), and "onion rings" (the deep fried kind) on my plate - and a bottle of the HP (Canada's A1) sauce. No banana peppers, and clearly, not what I would consider to be a steak sandwich.

    The beer was okay - I didn't drink enough of it to notice if it was any good - my friends seemed to put away a pitcher with ease. And of course, they did take plastic. You could do better or worse than this place; check it out if you happen to be skiing Kicking Horse.

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