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    Decent mongolian beef.

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    Great walk-up strip-mall Chinese place.  Eat in or carry-out. No buffet. Seems to be popular.  Just a minute or two from Interstate 70, Exit 21 in Brookville, OH.

    Cheap plastic utensils, self-serve napkins, food was served in an aluminum carry-out tray.  It was pretty good, and the fried rice was very good.   Fresh vegetables, including fresh (not canned) mushrooms.  I'll have to give an "okay" on the chicken, as it was just a teensy bit rubbery.  Drinks limited to bottles and cans, no self-serve fountain.

    Ambience wasn't great, but typical. Cleaner than I expected. Men's room was much cleaner than expected.  I almost gave them 4-stars for the clean men's room, but there were smudges on the walls up front.  

    I wouldn't take anyone there to impress them, but I'd have no qualms about going back.  Carry-out would be great too.

    So if you're tooling down I-70 near exit 21 in Ohio (Brookville, just West of Dayton), and have a hankerin' for Chinese, this will do nicely.

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