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    Good pub food, great bar and beer selection. Service can be a little slow so we often call our order in ahead of our arrival. Music on some nights that is sometimes good, sometimes maybe not so great...

    It is really nice to have an affordable place in Victor to have a pub dinner and beer. They have a good selection of wine and a full bar, too.

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  • 0

    A very good job for a pub in rural Montana.  Our Scottish daughter-in-law was favorably impressed.

    Pubby in atmosphere, lots of pulled beers which are a mix of American and UK varieties.  

    Food is the standard bar foods of the UK with fish and chips, toad in a hole, bangers and mash and lots of other stuff, like hamburgers.

    Very friendly and welcoming.  Open for lunch and dinner.  A good break to the routine Montana meat and potato menus and the carbonated malted beverages are also a welcome diversion to the standard stuff sold all-around.

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  • 0

    What a wonderful place!  In the heart of downtown no less!  Great food, great service, and lots to look at!  Give it a shot!!

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