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    I'm not one to malign a restaurant, but I think this time I need to let others know what happened to us. We had a fantatic view on the pier, great service & some of the best fish (my husband & I got different fish & we both loved it) BUT about 1 hr later my husband complained of a headache & upset stomach.  Then 4 hrs later our small child (who only ate the vegi's) threw it all up. I was the only one fine & i didnt eat the sides like they did. Please if you go, stick with french fries!  also the address mapped us to downtown maryville....it's a long 13 miles to the tellico pier.

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    The harbor house is located in the Tellico marina right on the waterfront. The food here is fantastic and very reasonably priced. It has a fair variety on its menu as well. Anything from a grouper sandwich to a fat steak! The atmosphere is very good and you can even just pull your boat up and eat! Thursday through Sunday they have live music going outside too. I had a blast here and will definitely become a regular. I really encourage you too come down and relax on the water with good food, cheap drinks and good music!

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