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    The first time I came here I vowed never to return. And then I came back like 5 months later because one of our friends had never been and was curious.

    Both times I went it was Wildlife Wednesdays. Now, the only way I can describe Wildlife Wednesdays is...is...well, I guess they try to pretend Wednesdays are Saturdays. That's the only way I can really describe it. And it does get packed like a Saturday despite it being the middle of the week.

    However, it takes until midnight for that to happen generally. But it does happen.

    $5 self park fee (sweet!). Park where there's light so no one breaks into your car...that $5 fee doesn't come with security silly. What are you? A liberal?????

    Doors open at 9 PM and we have never had to pay a cover. Last time I went,  Men 21+ got in for free until 10 PM. Ladies 21+ had an hour more to get in for free. What this means is...yes...Wednesdays are also Teen Night.


    Now, if you are a certain age and like picking up individuals of a considerably lower age than yours at the club that is on you. I think it's weir---interesting....to be 28 and interested in an 18 year old.

    There are certainly more people here who are allowed to drink than those that aren't if that makes you feel better. You won't bump into the ICONic Boyz.

    I only go to clubs to make huge dance circles and reenact You Got Served. So, maybe I'm a little judgmental since I've never had the urge to buy a girl a drink, get numbers or get involved in Jersey Turnpiking. When a girl comes up to me at any club and asks to dance, I think about it and say "I can't. Doesn't happen in You Got Served."

    The second time I went I found out they had a second floor here. It was the hip hop floor and just like all hip hop floors at any club (Webster Hall) it's a dwarf version of every other generes floor at said club.

    Which was fine with me. The DJ kept playing Gucci or something. Ratchet beats I think it's called. The only rapping I like is when Mike Shinoda does it in Linkin Park.

    Drinks were like $4 the last time I went. Not bad at all. Water was not free. LOL. Check the poster for the night you're going. There's usually some deal. Oh, and when we went there was a dance contest.

    Some of these kids took this thing serious as hell.

    I'ma wrap this up...come here if you wanna dance. People dance. The music isn't half bad...there's two DJs...I don't think they've ever sucked simultaneously.

    I personally will only come here on special occasions.

    And by special occasions I mean the world is about to end and the only way for it to be saved is if I do the Electric Slide on the dance floor here.

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    Amazing place. My friends and I went on a Saturday night for my birthday and saw the Savage Men downstairs before going up to the actual club for the after party. The Stoli fishbowl pitchers were amazing, the DJ was great, and overall it was just perfect. My girls and I will DEFINITELY be back.

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    Usually go on Fri nights with friends for the gay night; it's a very hit or miss place. Sometimes I have a fantastic time, others it's very weak.

    First off, the energy there is always incredible; almost everyone in the main room is dancing, having a fantastic time not a care in the world which I love.

    Though, not everyone on the dancefloor is as cool as it seems from afar. A lot of the time when I'm dancing with a stranger they try to grab my crotch and a lot of people are just complete sleezes there. Almost everyone is looking for some cock to suck, which kinda kills my mood because I love to dance with people I don't know.

    Another bad thing would be that fucking annoying "BRRRRGGHHHHH!"  horn that goes off literally EVERY 20 minutes. And honestly, can that place find someone else other than Steve Sidewalk for ONE damn Friday!?! If you're coming to iKon expect Top 40 music non-stop. It would be nice to hear some Euro-tunes to switch it up; you can literally turn on z100, sip a cosmo, and pretend you're at iKon inside of your car.

    A big plus is the staff though; crazy nice and reasonable, which is extremely refreshing based off the NYC spots I've been to.

    Not a complete MUST GO spot, but it won't disappoint (too much, if at all). Very very awesome energy (with the exception of some creeps) and great LITs makes iKon a pretty decent spot to hang when your main NYC plans fall through.

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    I went to Deko Lounge on a Saturday around 11pm with a group of friends. Pulling into the entrance of the parking lot, I noticed a sign that stated self-parking was $5, but so was valet-parking. We parked inside and we realized that there was a lot of empty spaces so we thought we were early to hit the club.

    The fees were as follows: If you came before midnight and you were a female 21 or over, it was free. Men 18 and over had to pay $15.00 and females ages 18 to 20 had to pay $15.00 as well.

    There was no line to get in. They visually check IDs at the entrance and if you're under 21 they give you two wrist bands, one for each arm, and write a huge "X" on both your hands. If you're 21 or over, you get one tag on your right wrist and a small "21" written on your right hand.

    When we got inside, the dance floor was EMPTY. It didn't get better until 12AM-1AM when a few more people came in and began the party. I say "began the party" because not a lot of people were actually dancing. I guess this was because there was more men then women there. Overall, it was not as fun as I expected, but then again, this is only my second experience at a night club. My first was at Pachas in New York City (which I highly recommend).  

    Shots were $3 each. Also depending on the bartender, sometimes you got more juice than alcohol in your drinks and at other times it was just too strong. I thought she was sloppy. (Side note: sex appeal is definitely sold here, for those men looking to flirt with the bartenders or workers there).    

    Lastly, the music was okay. They brought back a LOT of music that probably hit mainstream anywhere from a decade to 7 years ago. The most annoying part of the night was when the DJ loved to sound some sort of LOUD horn every hour or so. I left the club with ringing ears.

    Well, I tried to make the best of it so I wouldn't say I would NEVER come back (maybe it just wasn't a good night for the club since it was empty), but I would definitely go around looking for new places before I come back here again.

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    I purposely drove an hour from Queens/NYC to experience this place and BOY it did not disappoint!

    You first drive into the parking lot where employees/valets are directing your every motion. You pay $5 but it's your choice as to whether you want the valet to park your car or to drive it down a small ramp into a second lot where employees are again telling you precisely where to park. I found this process so very refreshing having experienced the insufferable craziness of looking for parking in Manhattan! Worth every penny of the $5.

    Then you move on to a resonable cue for the entrance. ID checked and wristbands put on. Once inside, you pay cover ($15 if 21+) and move past another door to the interior of the club. AND OH. MY. GOD.

    You walk in and just see a sea of people all moving to the same beat. There is a platform directly in the center of the space where patrons are eager to climb and get their dance on. It's kinda scary. I can imagine many drunk fags and dykes falling over. I can't imagine how they handle the possible lawsuits, but I digress.

    I'll be honest. I drove here because I really love the guido/preppy guys. And they were here but there was 10 times more lesbians! And way more straight chicks than I'd like. I'm all for a mixed club. Love the women. But when the boys are a minority, it's like, ughh. But the energy of the crowd makes up for it. You can't help but get swept up and go crazy. I recommend going with people who also like to dance and go wild.

    There's 3additional spaces. A side room that gets very crowded that leads to an outside smoking patio and a basement room that really doesn't see much action. Eventhough the main room is crawling with people, there's a lot of space to walk around and not feel suffocated. Getting a drink is not a problem either. This place does so much right the club owners/promoters in NYC can take a lot of lessons.

    My only criticism aboout Deko is that they close too early! The lights come on at 1:45AM ! Seriously? And what's hilarious is the crowd is STILL grinding and dancing! They literlaly are kicked out at 2AM when the DJ (the annoying Steve Sidewalk and his foghorn) literally shuts the music off. Un. Real. The weirdest thing I've experienced since I'm used to clubs in Europe where clubs close at sunrise.


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    Honestly, I've normally stayed far away from Sayreville and personally believed it was trashy, but I came to Deko for an event (Steve Aoki) and was completely blown away by how nice the place is. I'm a huge sucker for ambiance, the lighting was amazing and the sound system was intense. Bartenders were good looking and friendly, drinks were really cheap, energy was amazing. I think there is a cover charge for guys in general and girls over 21 get in free, which is a good thing for this place it keeps the ratio pretty even. I would definitely go back

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    I went here on a Friday night, and as many have mentioned, Deko is gay on Fridays.  The parking lot is large and there is plenty of room to park ($5).  If you get there around 11pm, you will have to wait a bit to get in, since they check your ID about three times (three different people) before letting you in.  $15 cover (unless you call ahead for a birthday group... then you get in free).
    Once inside, it is loud, dark, and buzzing with energy.  The music is a mix of techno, house, and mainstream.  The crowd is younger, about 18-25, and the people are dressed from classier could-be-NYC get up to an everyday standard of jeans, t-shirt, and converse.  Shirtless men dance with other men.  Girls make out in the middle of the dance floor.  Fairly balanced ratio of gays and lesbians.  There are also some straight couples dancing and groping.  Straights guys do troll the dance floor looking for straight girls, but they tend to be polite about it, often asking beforehand if it is okay before grinding up on you.  Rejection is taken much more lightly here than at other clubs/bars where straight men often think it is okay to harass the women who turn them down.
    The place is fairly clean.  The floor isn't sticky or dirty.  When I got tired of dancing with my purse, I put it on the floor (in the middle of my circle of friends) and when I picked it up later, it was completely undamaged and unstained.

    My one complaint: for some reason the DJ enjoys honking a fog horn occasionally for no reason at all.  Without warning, a deafening EEEEUUUUUUUUUNNNN will go off while you are dancing.  This happens at least 1-2 times every hour throughout the night.  Very obnoxious.

    Considering its location, it is a great club, with good music and a good crowd.  I don't know if this is the place I would go to meet someone or find a partner, but if you have a group of people to go out with, this is a solid place to go.

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    Only came here once the night before thanksgiving it was crowded I am a punk kid with orange hair (look at my picture lol) drinks were cheap compared to NYC and other clubs but I guess it's cause the cover charge but either way wasn't a expensive night and it was a comfortable setting to go up and try to dance even though I hate soon that

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    Writing this for Under 21's - I went on the friday LGBT night and it was insanely fun! Dancing non stop and everyone looking to have fun and party.  Some creepy guys but definitely nothing that you can't get away from in five seconds. Music was good (even though they played a bit too much Gaga for my tastes but considering it was LGBT night...) and kept the dancing going without fail. If you can park across the street to avoid a $10 parking fee!
    Also don't try to use fakes- my friend's got spotted easily.

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    I went a few weeks ago for Deko Fridays. I got there and instantly called my friend to say I must be at the wrong Deko. "Didn't you tell me this was a gay party? Why do I see so many straight boys and girls??" He assured me I was at the right place, so I paid the cover and went in.

    "Gimme the strongest thing you can make," I told the bartender. I figured I'll get 1 or 2 strong drinks and leave it at that to conserve capital. This strategy would come back to haunt me 5 or 6 cheap drinks later, plus the round my friend bought me and the round this dreamy sexy boy insisted on buying me.

    There's an almost classy-looking front bar when you walk in, and then you move into the main dance floor area, where there are several raised platforms so it's a pretty dynamic moving mesh of flesh.

    There are all types of people here, a change from the NYC gay crowd. The snobs will turn up their noses at the colorful dyed hair and out-there outfits, but it adds to a fun high-energy vibe. People can worry less about their "jaded BTDT city slicker" image and more about having fun. Also unlike the NYC gay scene, there are lesbians. For better or worse.

    TIP: Bring cash!!!! The ATM has an outrageous $6 fee, plus the $2 fee your bank may charge you. Yes that's not a typo: It'll cost you $8 to get at your own money here.

    Note about the rating: The 5-star means "best in Jersey." It doesn't necessarily mean I think this place trumps NYC spots I gave 4-stars.

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    Went to Dekos for my friends 21st Bday this weekend and I had the most fun I have had in a while. The DJs were on point played great music all night long. The place was packed which I didn't expect on a Sunday night, the bartenders were quick and polite. My Red Death was kind of weak but I was so busy dancing I didn't care. There was also the most security that I have ever seen in a club there were at least 8 guards on the dance floor alone. We had a great night.

    The reason they didn't get 5 stars is because we were supposed to get in free since It was my friends birthday but they still charged us 12 dollars. That was minimal though.

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    I've been here a few times. The best time I've had here was their LBGT night on Friday nights (and I'm straight). The music is awesome and the crowd is fun. I literally danced 4 hours straight. The one bad thing is that girls pay cover ($15) while guys are free - now that's a first! I think the drinks are relatively cheap (2 beers & and jack & coke was around $20).

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    Deko is so much fun! I usually go on fridays - the crowd is so much better.

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    I come to NJ about once a month, and I make it a point to come here every Friday I am in town.  Cover is a little pricey, but the top shelf drinks are cheap, so it balances out.  Free entry if you know someone who is having a birthday.  The music is always what's hot and new.  Mostly a 18-mid 20's crowd.  Bartenders are courteous, and they have quite a few of them so you never wait long for a drink.  My only complaint is their shots...they are poured in a TEENY Solo-type cup so you really only get a measured 1 oz shot.  Otherwise, this place is in my top 3 of nightclubs I have ever been to.

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    So Friday night is their LGBT night and I decided to go with some friends not knowing what to expect. I have to say that I really enjoyed myself and it's worth checking out if you are in central jersey and don't want to take the train up to the city to go to a nice gay club. Also if you are 18-23, this place has a younger crowd which I've been looking for. Most gay clubs have an older crowd.

    So let's walk you through my night. Parking your car yourself and valet cost the same amount of $5 but I chose to park the car myself so I "pregame" a bit. The second parking lot I was directed to requires a short walk up steps, not a big deal. If you are tight on cash, park your car yourself and down a few drinks in your car before you head in. Cover for 21+ was $15 and $20 for 18+, a bit much but it's a club, what do you expect? Anyways the bathrooms were clean and the bartenders and workers were pretty nice. It has a good guy:girl ratio.

    They had a $5 special on absolut drinks and $3 buds which is pretty good for a club. I ordered a red bull and vodka which put me back around $12 though. The music was good so if you go there, expect to dance!
    Overall, I had lots of fun and the gay scene here is pretty good, I definitely plan on going back. I wish the cover wasn't so much for 21+

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    So, I'll make this short and sweet.... This place is the best gay bar (for the younger scene) in NJ! I've never been here on a regular night, but FRIDAY night is GLBT night there. Really good mix of people, lot's of gay guys, LOT'S of lesbians, bi's, trannies, you name it it's here. It's also 18 and over, but has a 20's crowd filled in with under 21. DRINKS ARE AWESOME, i really never get drunker for the price from anywhere else, the people are cool, always find someone new to talk to, not TO SLEEZY, no half naked strippers dancings wavin their dicks in your face (thank the heavens, i hate dogging crabs) and have a HEATED outdoor smoking lounge..... ok ok the heat usually dies out by like 1230 but by then you're drunk off their drinks SO WHO CARES!

    The lounge/club usually has two rooms of music, but last friday had three open! It worked out great. The main room is a big mix of music, the back room is usually latin music. The other night the main was the the same, the backroom was more electronica/dance oriented, and the downstairs was latin. Worked great!

    I truly always enjoy my self here, NYC's gay scene really has nothing on this place and actually i see MANY of the NYC gays traveling the good old arm-pit of jersey to party it up.

    Parking is not free, and they offer vallet. Before 1030-11? it's free if you're over 21, they offer birthday lists, and drinks are really cheap for their contents haha. This place is always really fun, funny, and interesting. It's nothing classy, but the best around. Good sound system also, clear and always feel deaf walking out.

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    You're in the middle of Jersey and looking for a place to dance. Take a turn onto highway 35 South and check out Anthony Acid and Richie Santana spin.
    Sure, everyone around you in the club looks like they might be from Staten Island. They are. It's all good.

    Enjoy the dark surroundings and deep house music. Cocktails are strong and the bar tenders know how to mix them. Surprising line up of DJ's that dig into the crates for old skool tunes.

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