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    Here we go again, only this time has ended or relationship. Last night my girlfriend and I went there at approx 9pm. i had my kids again which never happens this late but they were still up and wanted to go. My daughters noodles with butter and parmesan arrived at the table with the butter melted so bad the noodles were one big clump and hard and her apples... BROWN! So dark brown I cannot believe the waitress actually looked at them and thought it was ok to deliver like that... let alone all the seeds from the apple all over them. My Cobb salad was to have no blue cheese and chicken. Loaded with blue cheese... When I advised her she looked at me and said "are you allergic?" Ummmm NO, but that is no the point. The point s that I asked for no blue cheese. Then I said to look at my daughters apples and pasta. She just nodded and said OK. The manger came over and apologized and told my girlfriend and I to pick desserts on the house. Ok, that was kind but I would have rather had at least the kids meal removed from my tab. They bring me a new Cobb and my daughter new apples only and the waitress said the reason the apples were brown is bec it sat under the heat lamp for so long waiting for the other food. Which was weird bec no one was in the restaurant and my new salad only took minutes to prepare and i am sure to heat up the soup isn't hard... maybe it was my friends fish tacos that took so long?? Anyway the new salad had NO dressing. I took it as a loss and decided this place wasn't worth sending back again. So we chose dessert. A Kona pie and Lava. Oh, apparently they meant we can only get a free $2 dessert for my $9 messed up salad and $6 messed up kids meal bec she said since we each were getting a larger dessert only one was being comped. Here is the thing. I fight for what I think is right, but when it is 10pm and I have children with me that are impressionable, I choose my battles. They apparently know that we are less likely to argue in front of kids so they take advantage. Bottom line... I will never return to this islands.

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    We decided to give Islands another try closer to home. What a great experience. The food was excellent (fish tacos, the new Big Bowl, and the pepper burger with fries) all served piping hot. We had a great server (Clint) who kept the drink refills coming and was excellent.

    I thought I had posted this already. I hope you will give this restaurant a try!

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    The summertime drink, Ginger Berry Shandy, is delish!
    I've always appreciated Islands - have been going here for burgers since I was in high school.  I like that they offer a wide selection of burgers, as well as salads, tacos, rice bowls, and chicken/veggie burgers.  Also, their fries cannot be beat.  The atmosphere is fun and casual, and the service is typically friendly.  If you like sweet drinks, do try their new selections on the summertime drink menu.

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    I enjoy Islands, the fact they have bottomless fries is pretty awesome and they have decent lunch specials for example I got the 2 spicy chicken tacos its just a tad over $7.

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    I don't always eat at Island's, but when I do, it is after running 6-9 miles in Malibu.

    They have a lot of healthier options so there really isn't a reason to eat their fatty burgers. I usually go for their grilled chicken sandwich, subtracting cheese and mayo, while substituting for a wheat style bun. If I want change, I would simply opt for their turkey burger in a similar fashion.

    They never have terrible waiters there.......ok just being facetious. Once in awhile we land that  simpleton who obviously hates their job. If they could just comprehend how it works, I wouldn't have to feel so badly about a low tip. Look, do your job. Don't be unrefined and you will warrant monetary compensation. The second you become abrasive, you willfully forfeit your right to receive a tip. Plain and simple.

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    Tried Curbside to go from ordering online for the first time. Girl came out with my order & claimed that they "pressed the wrong button" on their end & asked for my card again. Okay.. Accidents happen.. I get it.. Let her run it.

    Took my food back to my office... My BBQ Chicken Salad did NOT have BBQ Sauce in it. Awesome.

    Woke up this morning to check my bank account for the weekend's festivities... They DOUBLE CHARGED ME.

    It really can't be this complicated to quality check & verify payment. If they can handle it at Taco Bell so can you, Islands.

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    I used to eat at Islands in the Marina when I lived there, so I was looking forward to trying the agoura location.  What a disappointment!  My tacos were soggy and cold and arrived after a long wait, which I didn't understand because the restaurant was empty.  Then the bill came and they overcharged me!  The waitress and the manager were both rude about it too.  Save your money for a more pleasant dining experience.

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    If you food /meat lover it is for you
    Good food

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    Pretty delicious burger but we ended up having awful service.  I went here with a few other buddies after we completed the Spartan Race.  We were pretty darn hungry and we knew a good burger would hit the spot.  Service was slow right from the get go as it took a long time for menus, drinks, and then ordering.  Once we did order, I pretty sure our waiter didn't check on us for more drinks for 20-30 minutes.

    When all of our food was finally brought out, my burger was missing.  Only mine.  We waited for 10 minutes for the waiter to come over to say he forgot to put it in and they had to fire it.  By the time I received my burger, 30 minutes later, all my friends were done eating and I had the privilege of eating alone.  The waiter didn't apologize or offer any type of incentive for messing up my order.

    Again, good burgers, bad service.

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    Islands is not known as fine dining; however, this Islands has very nice wait staff, the food comes quickly, does not disappoint, and I bring my kids here because these folks actually make it EASY for me (which is really saying something).  The wait staff stops by often, brings extra napkins, and is very accommodating.

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    Have not been there for a while, gave it a shot last night. The food was ok.
    When I got the bill I flipped, $11 for a run of the mill burger, $11 for chili cheese fries and $8 for half a bowl of ok ceasar salad. The best deal was my $5 beer. Service was OK. You can find better and cheaper burgers at Chilis, Applebees, TGIF and Red Robin. Wont go back again.....

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    This place is always good.  Is the food absolutely amazing?  No but its Islands and the food is solid and dependable.  It's a favorite of the kids and extremely kid friendly especially on kids eat free Tuesdays (I feel sorry for the staff on these days).  I can't remember having a problem with anything in the two or three years we've been going.  It's great to have a go to family place like this.

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    Hmm decor was a little bit tacky .. but I get it "island" feel .. anyway waitress was nice and fast my daughter got Mac and cheese (I belive it was Kraft Mac n cheese) carrot sticks and treetop applesauce..... now here is where they excel .... I wanted a pointbreak and a kilheaua (I can't spell) the waitress said that she could combine the two so I got the k-burger with pointbreak cheese and french stlyed red onion! It was awesome burgers cooked medium juicy! There was even a ken doll waiter haha he really looked like ken... really good place I will def go again if I'm in T.O. burgers are worth their price.,

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    I just ate at the Agoura Hills location - and once again - the service was horrible - the managers are no where to be found and the two people doing the seating were making people wait while they had many tables open and many dirty.

    I have an allergy issue - so they printed out a menu for me that was not up to date - and then my meal came wrong - so they remade it - when it was returned to me it was cold.  

    We have been to this restaurant many, many times for years - and it is always disappointing.

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    I just left the Agoura Hills location with 3 of my coworkers and we were disgusted at the service. Not only did 2 tables next to us get helped and served before us when they came in after us, but our waiter would not even come around to let us know what the problem was. We finally had to leave without eating. As we were walking out they finally came chasing us saying our food was ready. We got there at 12:10 and gave up at 12:44 and left as we could not be late getting back to work. The least someone could have done is come by and let us know something. We watched 2 other parties get served and we were just sitting ducks.
    I even asked the manager if something went wrong and she said "no". I don't know what took so long but some communication would have been nice.
    I will definitely advise all of my coworkers to stay away from this location.

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    very good burgers.  Nice variety.  Good atmosphere.

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    I went there for dinner on Wednesday with the family for the Mavericks special posted up on Facebook.  I wasn't overly keen as the Islands in Glendale is the last one I had been to years ago, but I figured, what the heck...

    First off, parking was easy and it was easy to get to.  It was busy, but not overly crowded at 7ish and we were seated right away.  Service was great and prompt and I wish I had gotten our waitress's name, but she was great and efficient and tipped her accordingly.  The restaurant was clean and the staff was friendly.  Looking good so far.  In addition to the Mavericks burger specials, we ordered drinks and chips/salsa/guacamole.  A word of note: If you are a Mexican food aficionado, be prepared to be disappointed.  This whole dish is "Gringofied" and is it that hard to make real pico de gallo?!?!?!  C'mon Islands!!!  This is California!!!  Mushy salsa... be prepared... and they used a little too much lemon on the guac, but I digress...

    The Mavericks burgers were good, tasty and filling. FYI: For those of you that care, I did ask if they had pink slime in their burgers and they said "no" but there are "fillers".  Really???  Islands buys their burgers from elsewhere, but for the price they charge, I would hope they could use 100% REAL ground beef.  Just sayin'...  Do yourself a favor and get the bbq sauce on the side because they can go crazy with it.  The fries were good and brought back memories when I used their season salt on the table.

    Overall, a good experience.  If I am in the area and have a hankering for that again, I would return.  Good place and worth the stop...

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    Let's see... Islands is pretty good. See over a burger, I discussed what I was going to write in my review... so I'm pretty much laughing right now... because I am trying to think of how to write this.

    Anyway here was my review as discussed:

    "Islands: The food is 5 stars... but the experience I had upon getting here today was 1 star...so I'll average it out to 3 stars".

    I also said I would mention what my friend said:

    "I got pounded"

    in my best Archer voice: "Phrasing!!"

    So there you go...

    Okay, so the experience getting here was 1 star. Now for this long drawn out story...

    See, I drive my car... pretty hard. It need brake fluid forever...and I finally got someone to put it in today... so I was thinking everything was all fixed up!

    So we decide to go to Islands... obviously I take the back roads... so I'm getting off Agoura...and hear some weird noise... thinking... maybe somethings loose in my car or something. My friend gets out...looks at my tires...and says, "yep. It's flat". Ugh. I'm now mad at Rabbie. Yes, my car has a name... when he's good (or bad, as it turns out). Grrr...

    Anyway, so this brings to mind the other time... where I experienced a "flat tire" in a car. This time, I guess I was lucky. I was in the parking lot...and I was going slow... (since we were in the parking lot)... but the other time.. was the time I referenced before about almost dying...

    so here's the story...

    about 4 years ago... I think... on the way back from Newport Beach...so on the 405 in Long Beach (actually, I don't even think we were there yet)... okay, back up... so on some street in Newport Beach... we ran over one of those pointy reflector things... apparently this punctured the tire...which we didn't know. So we're driving home... then we're on the freeway... and so yeah, last thing I remember... we were talking about going to the Converse outlet on the way home and I was going to call and see if they were open... I remember arguing about not wanting to call (because I hate talking on the phone)..yeah, then all of a sudden... there's this loud noise... and I hear the driver saying something...and at first I have no idea what's going on... but then I realize that we're spinning... yes, spinning... on the freeway. I know I should have stayed calm...since if you get in an accident it's best to be loose... but easier said that done. Anyway, it was a pretty small basically two seater car... so I try to climb into the middle the best I can... because I don't know what to do.... but trying to get away from the car door seems like a good idea. Apparently, I was told that I just kept repeating "this is it"... but quite honestly, I don't remember. I remember really thinking that I was going to die. Because, hello... if you're in a car that is spinning in the middle of the freeway (and you were going like 80 miles an hour) there's a slim chance that nothing is going to happen. It was truly a miracle. I swear something must have been watching over me... or it just wasn't meant to be... because nothing happened. We finally stopped spinning and somehow managed to get to the side without anyone hitting us. Seriously amazing. A couple people stopped to see if we were okay... we were. I mean, not even a scratch. I was numb... frozen in fear... basically. I remember getting out of the car and sitting on the side of the freeway... basically petrified... waiting for the tow truck. Yes, we towed the car all the way home... because I was too afraid to get back in the car. For the longest time,  I was petrified to drive on the freeway at night. I guess it still freaks me out sometimes... but now that I drive all the time... I've somewhat gotten over it... but it still does freak me out somewhat... so I'll prefer to take the streets at night. That was the one time that I really really really thought I was going to die...and probably very easily could have.... but luckily, (actually amazingly) nothing happened.

    Anyway, I guess I'm lucky that I wasn't doing my usual driving thing...and that I was actually just going to eat and was with someone else.

    Anyway, the guy comes and puts in the spare...and it's all done and taken care of! Thank you Leo! :)

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    This place is so-so.  Sort of reminded me of a Red Robin slapped in the face with Gilligan's Island.  The chicken sandwich I had was decent.  We sat in the bar, and got to overhear all sorts of interesting employee conversations snippets.  My favorite was when one female employee proclaimed to some other employee, "You are the biggest piece of S**T I've ever met!!"  Super professional.

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    I'm not big on chains like this and I've heard not so nice things about other Islands so my expectations were pretty low, but I was pleasantly surprised. The Lava Flow cocktail was delicious, I'll be craving that one later. Big island Iced Tea had a nice kick to it. The Rincon Burger was good, it was rare when we asked for medium though. Fries were tasty with my Lava Flow, weird but true. The Wiqui Waqui BBQ chicken salad was delicious. Can't really complain other than why in an entire empty restaurant (we came at an off hour) do they seat you next to only other group of people? How annoying.

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    Love Islands.  The servers are always friendly, service is fast and food is consistantly good.  It is great for families so there is generally lots of kids.....if that's a problem you should go elsewhere.
    Pricing is a little steeper than I'd like but I am willing to pay it for the quality of food and service.  The burgers and chicken sandwiches are excellent.  My favorite burger is the Hawaiin Turkey Burger on a wheat bun.  The entire family loves the spinich and artichoke dip.

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    We've eaten here a number of times, as we have to drive to L.A. from the Central Coast on a regular basis. So my review is based on at least 6-8 visits, not one spectacularly bad or good experience.

    I finally tried one of their hamburgers (The Kilauea) on this last trip, and thought it was excellent. You can get the burger grilled to order, which is a nice touch, and it actually came the way I asked for it. Juicy, tasty, lots of garnishes, so big I could only finish half. French fries came with the meal--good, not great.

    I usually get the Wiqui Waqui BBQ Chicken Salad (I hope I spelled that right), which has always been a huge hit with me. Huge in size, huge in flavor, huge in amount of chicken. Can't be beat for a main dish salad!

    Someone above mentioned the ice cold, delicious beer. Boy, l wish I could indulge! But I always have to do the driving. I also did not know they have a full bar. Maybe someday I can try that out.

    Lately, my husband has been in a wheelchair (temporary situation), and I've learned a LOT about handicapped access and other issues I hoped I would never have to experience first-hand. The Islands folks have been uniformly kind, friendly, and helpful with doors, seating, etc. Better than any other restaurant we've visited.

    Finally, I applaud the cleanliness of the establishment and particularly the bathrooms, which (at least in the Ladies') offer Real Hot Water and Real Soap for washing up. I've never understood the big poster about washing after using the toilet and before eating...and then having only cold water and air-puffed soap suds (not the actual SOAP) to clean up with.

    I've tried several other Islands, which have been good, but this one is a standout. Thank you for the great meals I have enjoyed.

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    I'm a little embarrassed to be giving a fast-food burger joint four stars, especially because I didn't even eat a burger. But their grilled veggie tacos are so just so darn tasty, and I can't fault them stars for something so delicious. Grilled onions, peppers, mushrooms, corn, and a little cheese wrapped in a corn tortilla. Yum. I think it comes with avocado, too, but I opted to skip when I had mine.

    The burgers looked good as described, but the nutritional information  - WOW. I mean, the Kilauea has 1,950 calories, that's insane.

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    I'm a male, and not a freako vegetarian, so I like a good cheeseburger.   I don't eat a lot of them, and I am picky.  So I took my ladyfriend over to Islands after hearing that Dennys in Agoura had been closed for 4 years, and we were the ONLY ones in there on New Years Eve.  I ordered the KILAUEA which has Jalapeno & black pepper crusted burger
    w/pepper jack cheese, chipotle aioli, lettuce, tomato & Island Reds.  It was so amazingtastic that I'd consider breaking my new years diet and go back just for it.  honestly, it was probably the best burger I've had since Smashburger in Kansas, and perhaps even before that.  amazing.

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    Interesting place. It is setup in a Hawaiian theme but the food other than the names did not seem Hawaiian. Burgers and tacos are not what I think of when I think of Hawaiian food.

    The burger was great though. You get a huge juicy yummy burger for ~$10. None of the burgers had pineapple in them which I was expecting again thinking Hawaii. Do I have this wrong?

    The fries were just OK. They have unlimited refills on the drinks which is nice. Dessert was OK and a huge portion.

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    A favorite place to have lunch after a nice ride up Mullholland/Malibu. It's either Islands or Neptune's Net. I've been here numerous times but finally got around to writing it up.

    This place is always friendly, plenty of parking and your usual good Islands burger, fries and eats. And they don't hate on the bikers that frequent this place like us!  =)

    Thanks for the good service and quality foods! This Islands is also right off the 101 freeway and has 2 gas stations in the area for your needs.

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    I went here with a friend who said it was a nice place. We ordered burgers and soft drinks. The burger was supposed to be coated with chipotle, jalapeno peppers etc. Instead the major part of the coating was just black pepper !! LOL.

    I make better burgers at home and it was hot outside and I was hungry so I compromised. I was initially saying to my friend lets go to Jack in the Box.

    Quality 1 star ambience 1 star price -1 star.

    We paid $34 with tip for 2 burgers and soda. I thought its really not a big deal and such a waste of money. Anyway I know now how good other places are :-)

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    I gotta say, even though its a chain, we really do love going to Islands.  Ok, Tuesdays are a little rough as kids eat free so if you're looking for quiet this is not the place.  But the beer on tap is SOOO cold and yummy and the Hawaiian burger is just so good.  I put this several notches above Chili's or TGIF type restaurants, which are the other big chains where you can get a beer and a burger.  My husband gets the fish tacos over and over again and they seem to do the trick.  Very reliable food, very cold beer, and its close to home so if that's what youre looking for Islands is a solid pick.

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    Literally, meh. Go to Wood Ranch if you want a real burger. Hell, go to Jack in the Box. This place uses crap meat and loads cheese on everything to cover up the subpar quality of their products. Waste of time and money.

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    delicious burgers, fun mixed drinks and good staff makes Islands a real great place to go. This was one of my first restaurants out here in the LA area and I had a real blast.  Our waiter was super friendly and took great care of us.  I really enjoyed this place. Maybe I'll have time to get back there again!

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    Based on this thread, I just ate the Kilauea burger on our way to Charmlee National Park to hike.  Good News: It was extremely delicious and I ate the whole gigantic thing.  Bad News: It was extremely delicious and I ate the whole gigantic thing.

    Hiking with this thing in my belly is going to be high on my "bad decisions" list this week but it's pretty much worth it.  Definitely eat here instead of the other crappy options at the intersection.

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    Had lunch there today and very impressed with the food. Wasn't what I expected when I walked in only becuz they advertise as having fine burgers and it doesn't give that atmosphere off at all. I ordered a regular cheeseburger w/fries. Really good! The service was prompt and friendly. I'd go back.  

    Oh...and Roscoes was yesterday so I didn't hit both spots in one day! haha

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    It's fine for what you should expect when you walk in the door.  You know you're getting chain restaurant food, but it's incredibly kid friendly and the food tastes fresh.  Great fries!  Kids eat free on Tuesday nights, and my five year old son loves the China coast salad, so I'm there!

    Willing to do school fundraisers, so if your school is local it's a fun family fundraiser night!

    If you need to order out, do it online and use the parking space right at the front designated for pick up orders.  Pretty seamless, as long as they haven't forgotten about you. (that did happen once)

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    I have a ridiculous obsession with Island's burgers and fries. My favorite burger is the Bluenami (blue cheese burger) and a close second is the Kilauea (spicy chipotle and onion rings). Mmmm...so good. Previously, fries weren't included but times are a-changing and we're in a recession! Fries now come with your order and you can have as many baskets as your heart desires! Or at least as many as you can stomach because if you're like me then you're heart's desire usually exceeds tummy capacity.

    I really like the smoothies too, like the Tradewind. For appetizers I like the cheddar fries. They do offer endless bowls of tortilla soup, but I'd stay clear of that. The one time I ordered it, the pepper was overpowering. My point: the burgers and fries are the only things worth eating.

    Despite the cheesy island motif and the fact that it's a chain restaurant, Islands generally pleases. It's easy in and easy out :)

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    Went for dinner the other night.  Had the fish tacos, they were kind of expensive compared to like Taco Del Mar fish tacos- BUT they were bigger and a lil tastier.

    Service was "young"- not the most professional but they get a "B+" for effort.  Burgers all looked good and beverages were refilled timely (not too much nor too little)- we don't have these in Seattle but they are ok, kind of red robinish...

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    Kilauea Burger. *bows head in silent reverence*

    Dare I say the BEST burger I have eaten in my life?

    Yes, I think I can say that.  From the perfectly seared, crispy-on-the-outside but juicy-on-the-inside patty marinated in black pepper, to the shoestring onions on top, to the decadent melted Pepper Jack cheese, to the chili aioli, the Kilauea is the king, nay, god of burgers!

    Eating the Kilauea is like...
    Making out with the prom queen, or...
    The tastebud equivalent of an oily backrub, or...
    Having that one spastic muscle in your back finally give up and loosen after 8 hours of torment, or...
    When you've got that Q-Tip a good 4 inches deep in your ear and you can finally scratch that itch by your eardrum that's been bugging you since you descended too quickly  into the deep end of the pool last Friday.

    Know what I mean?

    6 stars for the Kilauea Burger.

    Oh wait, there's other items on the menu, right?  Well, to be honest, everything else pretty much sucks compared to the Kilauea Burger.  The only other thing I had that was okay were the fish taco's, but Rubio's can pull off the same thing so who cares, right?

    So -2 stars for the rest of the menu and everything else that's forgettable about the restaurant.  Just let me have my Kilauea Burger.

    P.S. It's a good thing I'm only in the area on business once in a blue moon, otherwise I'd probably be 450 pounds of raging Kilauea addict haha.  Expect an oily palm after your experience with the Kilauea, hehe.

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    JULES:  "Uuummmm, that's a tasty burger.  Vince, you ever try a Big Kahuna Burger?"
    VINCENT:  "No."
    JULES:  "You wanna bite, they're real good."

    Ok, ok... so this ain't Pulp Fiction, but I think that Quentin Tarantino's inspiration for Big Kahuna Burgers well might be Islands Burgers.   Of course, that's just my conjecture... that's all.

    In any case, Islands makes a pretty tasty burger, that's for sure.   I went with the Kilauea burger, a Jalapeno and pepper-crusted burger with pepper jack, chipotle aioli, and onion strings.   Holy Toledo, Batman!   That's a helluva good burger:  juicy, tender, but with a good kick to it as well!  Yummy!!  I am so coming back here...   We also shared a big portion of cheddar fries, well prepared with the skins left on.  Now maybe I was just in that kind of mood, or maybe it being my first time at an Islands restaurant, I give it too much credit.  Still, I very much enjoyed my lunch here.  Certainly the atmosphere ain't all that, but for a quick lunch, it's a good and convenient address.

    JULES:  "Well, if you like hamburgers give 'em a try sometime.  Me, I can't usually eat 'em 'cause my girlfriend's a vegetarian.  Which more or less makes me a vegetarian, but I sure love the taste of a good burger."

    Thankfully, neither my wife nor I is a Vegetarian, so I'll be sure to come back and try their other burgers, bloody as hell, of course!

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    I know what you're thinking... if she would go to Island's "fine burgers & drinks" for a meal, then I should have never trusted her reviews and opinions to begin with.  However, my new boss & his wife insisted we stop for lunch.  So, I hesitantly agreed, silently wondering how it would go over if I refused.  

    We walk in... first of all, I felt like I was in the seasonal section of a Wal-Mart.  The place was vomiting fake palm trees, fake toucans, fake tropical flowers, fake bamboo.  OY VEY! (as Mr & Mrs Schwartz would say)  Anyway, it was an odd time for lunch, so there was only one other table there, and a number of workers.  We sit down, wait about 5 minutes until we flagged down a kid who was sweeping the floor.  He takes our drink order.  Some spacey waitress finally comes over to order our drinks, not noticing the 4 drinks on the table.  When my boss' son joined us a bit later, she came back to take our order, and you could cut the confusion with a knife.  We had to explain that he just got there.  Fine.  Now we order.  My boss had requested extra chicken on her salad.  We'll get back to that catastrophe later.  Every cheesy Hawaiin burger and Waki salad we ordered seemed to confuse the waitress, and she made faces to go with each order.  Here is where ONE HOUR PASSED while we waited for our food.  My boss had to leave, so he went to the kitchen and asked about his NACHOS.  Seriously.  He came back to the table, carrying his own meal, with the special waitress in tow.  She had sour cream on her cheek, which was equivalent to when I used to eat candy bars outside the window of Family Fitness, taunting the idiots on the treadmills.  B****.  As long as someone got to eat.  

    She apologizes for the wait and says the rest of our food will be coming out.  She claims she didn't know why the kitchen was taking so long, and explains that she got slammed right when we got there.  We're pissed, but it's so ridiculous at this point, that we're laughing.  We look around, and there's only 2 tables with customers.  When we get our food, my boss asks the waitress if they put extra chicken on her salad.  SHE SAID NO, BECAUSE THERE IS AN EXTRA CHARGE FOR THAT!  I don't think I need to explain how shocked I was by this response.  The Manager comes back and explains that the order was never put in the computer, and that's why it took an hour to get our food.  He offered to give us a break on the bill.  

    Apparently, this waitress has worked there for a while, and did not royally screw up because she was new.

    The only good thing is that I don't get paid by the hour, because clocking out for a 2 hour crappy chicken quesadilla would have really PISSED me off.  

    What did we learn today, boys and girls????  When your gut instinct says DON'T GO IN THERE... you should consider listening.

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    I like this place due to the fact that it's fun and laid back. The food is decent, nothing I would rave about to all of my friends, but it's worth checking out.

    Their menu consist of the usual hamburgers, fries, salads etc. Their hamburgers are pretty fatty, the bbq salad is REALLY good. I liek their fries but only problem is that you have to order fries separately from your meal and they give you so many fries, you can easily share with another person. Then again, saves you calories if you don't want to spend money on getting fries.

    The location of this place is kind of random. But  the place is also in an convenient spot right off the freeway and right next to the road going towards Malibu area. The drive up to the beach is nice. :)

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  • 0

    Fun stuff. Friendly atmosphere. On the way to Zuma Beach and Malibu if you're taking Kanan Rd.! woooot! It's kind of dark (lighting-wise) inside. Fair prices..and best of all you can substitute for a garden burger. Though I remember ordering one with chili, which was kind of contradictory I later realized. Easy parking. Annoying/busy intersection you have to get through to get into the place or out of it though.

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