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    The owner was completely rude and refused to accept my ID because it was a military ID ...ON MEMORIAL DAY! ...of all the days of the year?! Anyways, I refuse to take my business back to this bar.

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    We wandered into this joint yesterday afternoon after hearing some great live music.  We hung out for a few songs and as we left my 10-year old son was given an opportunity to play with the band.  I just want to say thanks to Ernie & the band for giving my kid his best day ever!!!!   You guys are the best!

    I will definitely return another time for great music and perhaps an "adult" night out :)

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    The manager was completely rude on the morning of the St. Patricks Day Parade! I don't think he should have opened his business because he stressed all the patrons out. My party of 15 decided to go to Dargan's instead.

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    This place is okay for bar scene. Nothing spectacular. Live music most nights. Bartenders are nice. One BIG downside, ONE communal bathroom :/ not alot of places to sit either.

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    the bar tender was a tool, carded us when we all over over 30 and definitely don't look young, he was very speedy with taking our drinks very rushy. The overall atmosphere is a dive bar, it is a cool place but coming from Santa Barbara I would much rather stick to my local, happy beach bum bars that in Ventura, where it was filled with bros and old people. Bar is decorated with lots of pennies so that is cool...eh the drink specials are good but not my kind of atmosphere. Oh, and playing "slim shady" when we walked in...gross. lol.

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    Meh. Honestly I dunno why I'm even giving this place 3 stars, because it's not all good. If I had to pick a bar that typifies the bro scene in Ventura, this would be it. Onto my format...

    The Good: Umm... they have drinks and live music. Those are good things right? Sure I guess.

    The Bad: Are there any attractive women in Ventura? Because you couldn't tell from the cleintele at this bar. The seating situation isn't good, and the bouncersa/patrons are mostly d*ckholes.

    The Ugly: The drummer last Saturday couldn't hold a beat to save his life, but nobody besides me seemed to notice, especially the 50 year old dude acid dancing to bad Sublime covers.

    So again, I don't know why I'm giving this place three stars. I guess it's mostly because I don't wanna blame the bar for Ventura's horrible night life. In high school I used to go to punk shows in V-town and thought it was such a cool place, but now I can see that It truly is "Bakersfield by the Sea."

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    Great place tucked into Main Street Ventura.

    Monday night Happy Hour, live music, and the best sliders I've had in Ventura.
    The band, Happens Again, rocked the house and a very friendly atmosphere.

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    Was once my favorite place to go downtown, but after spending lots of money and tipping generously, ended up being screamed at by rude bouncers. Not such a great way to start the year off in 2011.

    Sadly, I will probably not go back.

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    hmmm... nothing to say. A bunch of weirdoes hanging at that bar. The crowd there is typical youngsters who can't handle their alcohol and then get in your face, after one drink me and my friends just left... lol

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    I was unimpressed by this place.  It did not have a great selection of eer other than the typical usuals (bud, miller, etc) and Shock Top.  The mixed drinks were a better deal, big, stiff and lasted a while, and they knew how to make some uncommon stuff too, I saw a couple of girls get an Oasis, which I usually have to explain how to make when I order it.

    The environment is a typical bar scene with a younger crowd, the venue is rather small, so it's incredibly uncomfortable when crowded.

    I went to see Alexandra and the Starlight band which was supposed to start at 9:30.  the warmup band started at 10:15, which found me tired and annoyed so I left.  Apparently after that there was another warmup band followed by the main even... at 12:45 AM.  12:45 is NOT 9:30, and I don't like being duped into going to a place like this and waiting until the next fucking day (literally) to finally see what I came there for.

    So if you want mediocre drinks, and feel like waiting 4 hours for your entertainment on a Saturday night, go right ahead and try this place, or you could see if any of the other bars in downtown ventura at least have better beer to drink while you wait.

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    Simple... This could be a Good Bar, food might even be decent, and the drinks are out of this world....... But the management's handling of their entertainment was horrible. Sign says, 9:30 pm. Alexandria & the Starlight Band. First opening act started around 10:15pm, the second group, who knows when but the main attraction starts playing at 12:45am by good sources told me because the first group's vocal was horrible, I had to leave after one song to save my ears.

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    If you got snookered into going to this bar for the music, like me, you'll know what I mean.  The sign said, "Alexandra And The Starlight Band" at 9:30.  We got there at 8:00 to get a seat at a table.  A band started to set up at about 9:15.  Finally they started to play at 10:15.  Their vocalist was ridiculously bad, and it was not the advertised band.  The band was called "Holy Beast" or something like that.  By 10:45 we became tired from sitting on the uncomfortable high chairs and Holy Beast made it even more painful.  We left at 10:45, feeling ripped off for almost 3 hours of wasted time.

    On Monday, we talked to a guy who was there for Alexandra.  He said there was yet another band after Holy Beast (and they sucked even worse).  He said Alexandra didn't even start to play until 12:45.  The City of Ventura has a noise ordinance. All music has to stop at 1:30AM.  So the advertised band played for 45 minutes.

    There were lots of "kids" in there who seemed accustomed to bar abuse.  Somehow they acted as if it's normal for a bar to advertise one band and only produce them for 45 minutes the next day.  Even if they weren't there to see Alexandra what's up with Holy Beast not even starting to play until 10:15?  If the sign says 9:30 what does that really mean?  Shouldn't music have started by 9:30, even if it wasn't who the sign said it would be?

    Why, by crackey, back in my day we called that "bait & switch".  What do they call it today?  Normal?  If rude dis-respectfulness is normal, I guess so.

    Eventually  the the naive kids will catch on and go somewhere else to meet up, relax, and hear live music.  If Good Bar keeps up that nonsense, it won't be long before we see a "For Lease" sign in the window instead of lies.

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    Every time I go out in Ventura, I make it a point to stop by Good. The staff is great and the music is usually pretty fantastic. The crowd is just how I like them; laid back, not pretentious, all there to have a good time. The drinks are well made, not those weak sauce beverages you feel stupid paying $8 for. Overall, the Good Bar is a great place to grab some cocktails on a weekend in Downtown Ventura. I've never eaten there, though, so I can't attest for the food.

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    Every month when my husband and I spend a long weekend in Ventura, this is the bar we always go to.  Open mike night on Sundays has been impressive.   The band just jamming and rotating musicians all night seamlessly is amazing.  I should have posted this months ago (had this saved in drafts) because now I think that set up has changed. :(

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    Walking by, it's not clear that this place is a bar. I thought maybe an ice cream parlor...

    Located next to the Century theater downtown Ventura on Main, this place could use some better signage to alert people to its presence.

    Once inside, it's a no-frills affair. Basic bar, young crowd, beer selection not great, and most patrons probably not too picky about what they're drinking.

    We stayed long enough to have a couple of drinks, there wasn't much seating, so we stood near a vacant bar (no stools) and sat through a local jam band noodling away for what naturally felt like an eternity.

    I realized I was too old, sober, and in need of better tunes. Can't say it's an awful spot, and for the frat boys and Trustafarians, I say "go for it." I would not say "it's all good."

    I'd say "it's just OK."

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    A small bar with big-glass front windows, TVs, and cheap drinks. There is music most nights of the week and you can see *who* is performing via the chalkboard sign hanging outside the entrance. I've only rested my can on their barstools once and there was a reggae/sublime type band performing.  

    Otherwise, I pass It's All Good on a daily basis, because it's between my gym and home.  Sometimes there are 2 people sitting at the bar, and sometimes there are two people playing ping-pong, and sometimes the place is so packed that people are standing outside.  The crowd is always young-ish--at least, young-ish to an oldie-but-goodie like me.

    Whatever the haps at It's All Good, the peeps inside always seem like they're having a blast.

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    EXCELLENT BAR! they have live music most of the week. GOOD live music. a strange find being so close to l.a. and their shitty music scene. folks aren't scared to get up and dance here either. super friendly employees, super friendly booze. the single bathroom can be a problem, but i just go outside in the parking lot down the street. they also have a really cool smoking area right along the street so you can watch all the idiots roam. this is my favorite bar in town.

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    For the past four years, we've visited *Seabee Days* in Port Hueneme, CA. to show our support for the U.S. Navy Seabee battalions stationed at NBVC. This year, though, we decided to skip the event since I was superstitious that I might get run over (again) if I showed up. Instead, Deb & I dropped into this bar for a few drinks prior to a movie at the theatre next door.

    Funny enough, I think a good portion of a Seabee battalion showed up on Saturday afternoon bringing the party to Ventura. Most were drinking in the traditional beer-bottle-to-mouth method, as well as the lucky ones that used the beer-bottle-in-the-hot-babe's-cleavage-to-mouth method.[1]

    As we came out of the theatre later, we heard one ungodly loud & distorted band banging out Lynard Skynard or whomever that was supposed to be. I'd say that this bar is best for the younger, hard chargin' partier types.[2]

    [1] A Seabee touched her behind and she became insulted at his lack of class.
    [2] I used to be one of them and I still try in spite of my semi-elder status.

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    I was heading down south to visit a friend in San Diego--rather than take a straight shot on the 5, traveling companion and I took a few days to drive down on the 1. We stayed in Ventura our second and last night on the road. In addition to being a Southern California town I didn't hate, Ventura sports this good bar for an after-dinner digestif.

    It wasn't crowded, but it wasn't dead, and the bartender poured strong. My only complaint is that it looked like they were setting up for a live show on the corner and good god it would be a small space to have live music in.

    We also tried the $2 shooters ("Washington Apple" and "White Gummi Bear") and while they are delectable schnapps concoctions, you will feel like an asshole ordering them.

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    I love this place! Live music almost every night with the exception of Tuesdays when they have Rock Band on a huge screen! Open mike on Wednesday nights is my favorite! Such a variety of music from folk to blues to pop to weird sound experiments ( go Intergong!) and everything else in between. The bartenders are always supper friendly and if you've been there a few times they will know your drink! They have a great outdoor patio that is perfect for

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    Well, I  headed down to Good Bar last night to check out the open mic night with Jonny B in tow. Actually, I was more of the towee but that's not important.

    Although it was dead when we showed up, the place was PACKED by 9:30 or so. I was really hungry but there was no cook there so Jonny got me some potato skins from Winchester's (um... YUM).

    Not too huge of a beer selection but they've got all the popular staples. I like the ShockTop on tap so I had a couple of those before moving onto my beloved Pacifico. Simple, tasty, cheap. Aye caramba!

    Good Bar's got a verrrry interesting crowd. I was really stoked on the variety and felt right at home amidst the poncho-wearing surfer dudes and the bandana-clad metal guys.

    All in all a great night. Friendly, cute bartenders and an awesome countertop made of thousands of pennies sealed with surfboard resin. Bryan, the guy running the open mic night seemed like he knew what was up and the sound was great. I'll be back! =)

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    Love the penny bar! It looks awesome now that its done.
    Drinks are good, I like mine stronger, but thats a personal preference!
    They showcase great live local music and thats always fun.
    Depending on what happening the crowd can be great, but its always sprinkled with your usual douchebags and "Ken-like" men. Since I'm not on the prowl, I tend not to pay much more attention than that!
    Its a pretty good bet for a fun time.

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    $2 white gummy bear shots!
    $2 washington apple shots!!

    - friendly and down to earth bartenders
    - cool, relaxed, un-creepy atmosphere

    so far, my fave bar in ventura county.

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    I'm surprised no one has reviewed this place yet! They really deserve a good review.

    First of all i must say I LOVE DOWNTOWN VENTURA. There's not like a ton of spots to choose from to go to, but there's FREE PARKING. sorry but i love love love free parking!! ok on to the real review...

    Been here two times. I like it a lot. It's great bar to go to and just drink. Nothing frilly or fancy about this place, just a nice little place to get a drink. The crowd is cool and really chill. The last two times I was here (Friday and a Saturday) they had a live band playing. Not really my thing, but if you like listening to live music it's pretty cool. The drinks are super cheap. They have $2 washington apple shots and white gummi bear shots. white gummi bear is really tasty. tastes just like the name. i love the fact that they're only two bucks. i ordered three of those shots and a heff and it came out to be 12 bucks. not bad. thats about the price i'd pay at some club in san diego. The bartenders are great too. Really nice guys that don't skimp on the alcohol. I ordered a rum and diet coke and it was clear. I asked him, "is this a rum and diet?" he said, "yeah, there's just LOTS of rum". i took a sip and grimaced and he was nice enough to give me more coke. =)

    so if you're looking just looking to chill, listen to music and just get a drink with your homies without getting all dolled up, i'd come here.

    check it out!

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