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    We stopped in for dinner, in the middle of the week, after a long day of hiking in the Smokies. We were the only people in the place until another couple came in about 1/2 way through our meal. This place is nothing fancy, 2 TV's showed weather channel hurricane disaster footage throughout our stay. The carpet is WAY overdue for a shampooing. While we were eating, someone from the kitchen rolled a disgustingly dirty garbage barrel through the dining room in front of us, and then came back through again after dumping it out somewhere. If you are looking for a dining experience worth remembering, go elsewhere.
    We had burgers, so did the other diners at the next table. They were huge, but not great. I would have been happier with a smaller, better tasting burger. There is a lot of tacky artwork on the walls, all of which is marked for sale. Some of it has been there for years, judging by how faded it is. There are a lot of dining choices in Townsend, I would put this one on the end of the Go-To list.

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    The open faced roast beef was Awesome! Probably the best that I have had. The beef was tender and seasoned great. The gravy was tasty and just salty enough to be a great touch with the beef. I have driven past this place hundreds of times and this was the first time I has stopped. I got there after brunch and it smelled like a dream! I will definitely will make a trip back to try their breakfast. If you are in Townsend give it a shot.

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    We came here for a breakfast buffet on our last day. The service was GREAT , the food on the buffet was good and forward , scramble eggs, beacon, sausage patties, gravy, biscuite , pancake, tater tot ,and some muffin. I just stick with eggs and beacon. It was good for a buffet but next time I will have to try the food off the menu.

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