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    I've read about it, heard about it, here to tell you about it.  Not so good in my personal opinion.  I've been wanting to try this place for a while now.  So, I went on the website to see this weeks menu.  Was excited that there was enough for me to choose from (Vegetarian).  Sat down outside in a semi-cozi patio.  Was greeted immediately and handed menus as well.  My husband, myself and my daughter went.  They each ordered an iced tea and I ordered water with lemon.  Did I say water with lemon?  oh, no lemons that day i guess!  (When I was home I saw a few more items on the menu online than the menu they handed me).  I asked if they still had the "graduation salad" that was listed on the online menu.  The waitress would ask if they could accommodate me.  They did!  Thanks.  We were served delicious bread/butter.  We then ordered our dinners - My husband ordered the meatloaf dinner, my daughter a scallop dinner and myself a stuffed lobster with a mustard, tarragon, cognac sauce.  My husband and daughter each were served theirs.  Mine came a few minutes later.  We each were told that our plates were hot - not to touch them.  Ok, so I took one bite and thought hmmmm, hot plate?  Well my stuffed lobster was ice cold.  When the waitress came over I asked her if my dish was a hot or cold dish?  She replied, hot.  I asked for her to send it back -because it was cold.  She apologized and returned it to the kitchen.  Did I mention we could see in the kitchen.  The chef peeked out - and I saw in.  Well my husband and daughter finished their meals.  My second attempt of lobster arrived.  The waitress was nice enough to wait for me to see if it was hot.  It wasn't.   I even took a clean spoon, took some from the middle and gave our waitress a spoonful.  She apologized again and asked if I wanted it sent back.  I responded-I'll eat the top warm pieces and that'll be fine (my mistake, I should have insisted she done so).  Needless to say, a few minutes later I asked for it to be boxed up and the check.   To tell you the truth, I was expecting the Chef to take a minute to come to the table to apologize instead of having his waitress do it for him.  The check came.  2 iced teas, 1 water, 1 salad, three entrees.  Including tax -  $ 68.96 plus I gave the waitress a $14.00 tip - TOTAL= $82.96    You wonder about the other meals.  The meatloaf my husband said was so-so and my daughter felt the scallops were ok - nothing to write home about.  I don't think i'll be entertaining the thought of going back.  The waitress was kind and offered to serve a complementary dessert.  We declined.  I think the chef should have done something about the dinner (twice being cold)

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    Great Food, but it takes forever! and forget going on a busy holiday or busy part of the morning wait is usually at least an hour to eat if the food comes out together if you can beat the rush definitely worth checking it out

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    Live blugrass duo (banjo and fiddle) during brunch yesterday added to the charm and rustic atmosphere of this wonderful little cafe. We ordered the mushroom and gouda scramble and french toast- everything was tasty and made with care. We also had a side of the red flannel hash which has a flavor profile similar to Texas chili that I would have preferred for lunch or dinner instead of breakfast. And it's not in the middle of nowhere- only 20 minutes out of Albany past the Five Rivers Preserve. Looking forward to trying the lunch and dinner menus.

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    I gave this place 3 stars because the food was pretty good & the prices o.k.
    However, I am very surprised that none of the reviewers mentioned the horribly
    uncomfortable seats.  We 1st sat at a table with chairs -- the seats were so small
    & hard that we immediately moved to a booth.  But the hard wood bench of the booth
    was no better -- no cushion at all, so uncomfortable that we both had aching backs
    when we left.  If I go back it will be with bring-my-own cushion.  Or, better yet, I would
    eat outdoors -- those chairs were the plastic ones that are pretty comfortable.  The
    day we went it was raining so that was not an option.  We all had the coquille saint
    jacques (there was shrimp in it in addition to the scallops).  It was pretty good.  I would
    have liked it better if a little sherry had been added in it.  The portion was fairly small I thought.  It came with mashed potatoes & broccoli -- both good, but not big portions.
    We had the toffee coffee pie & that was excellent.  When I got home I actually had
    something to eat an hour later, so I think the portions were definitely a bit skimpy unless you have a small appetite.  The waitress was sweet enough, but pretty out-of-it.  She didn't know what the specials for the night were -- she said she had to wait for
    the cook to come.  He came about 10 minutes after we got there.  But she didn't seem
    to know much (if anything) about anything on the menu either.  By the way, on the
    menu it said our dish came with fries, but when we asked if we could substitute mashed she said yes.  We all ordered mashed, but she brought home fries for one of us.  The breakfast menu looked good -- I'll definitely try their breakfast on a day when
    I can sit outside.

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    When we first went to Jake Moon, we really enjoyed the experience. The food and service alike were enjoyable to the point that we couldn't wait to come back. So, come back we did, for another dinner. Not so great an experience. Could have been an off night, but some of the dishes seemed badly prepared. We didn't rule the restaurant out yet, though. After checking the menu online, we really wanted to try Jake Moon breakfast. So, we did! When we arrived, we chose a booth by the window. There was hair, dirt, and dust littering the windowsill. Now, I can understand this in the basement of your home, but next to a table where people eat? No way! The booths are also so tight and uncomfortable that every move from the other booths nearby was like a tremor beneath your feet. Our waitress was foggy, forgetful, and careless. She had to retake drink orders. At first this was fine and funny, but her consistent inattentiveness proved to be an issue. When we ordered, we were informed they were out of crepes. Disappointing. We tried to substitute blueberry pancakes. No, out of blueberries. And when we requested real maple syrup?... you'll never guess- they were out from a "busy morning" (if we were shopping all morning, could we have been out of money to pay them?). When we finally got our pancakes, they were uncooked at all but the edges. They had to be taken away. Our hash was really all beets, but that could just be a difference in our preference versus that of the chef (mind you, we'd question his preference). The real issues were with the meals. Our home-fries were cold at best. It gets worse: I found eggshell in my omelette. Yuck! Eggshells. I'm serious. I stopped eating. Then, for our toast (one of the few decent parts of the meal), we asked for jam (we had to ask for everything due to the lackluster service). They only had apple or orange marmalade. The latter of the two, being so filled with rind, was inedible. To cap it all off, our waitress was unsympathetic. It was a terrible experience. We'll never go back. Avoid Jake Moon- it's inconsistent and you aren't able to predict a good experience. Although, if you're in need of a head ache, disappointment, and a little extra calcium (they provide nice crunchy eggshell!), rush right out and grab a shaky booth at Jake Moon!

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    I had a really great breakfast here.  Sure it's out in the middle of practically nowhere, but that is no mistake.  I spoke with the chef, and he was looking to slow things down a bit to spend more time with his family and a little less at work.  Open Thursday-Saturday breakfast, lunch and dinner, and then Sunday for Brunch.  Sounds like a lot of work to slow things down.  Probably 50 hours per week in 3.5 days.  Chefs work hard.

    Anyways, the food was creative and fun.  Nothing pretentious here.  Flavor focused and not taking himself too seriously, the chef presents nicely portioned, prefectly seasoned food at a very modest price.  Ingredients are sourced locally, and their origin is often right there on the menu.  I had the beef hash with potatoes, beets and onions with 2 perfectly poached soft eggs.  Beef was tender.  Everything was bright beet red.  Toast was thick cut and delicious.

    Cheers to something great to eat!

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    A little torn here, but Jake Moon isn't always what it could be.  I love the Bennett Hill Scramble, J likes the SOS, a sausage gravy and biscuits dish.  The homemade apple butter and hot apple cider (served with a cinnamon stick) is delightful.  But the service is downright unpredictable (as in, unpredictably bad and slow). And the cinnamon swirl toast is delicious when it isn't burned, cold, burned AND cold, or wait, your server never remembered to bring it out.  

    It's such a cute place that I want to be amazing every time so I can continue to bring out of town guests. I want them to say wow, what a cute local place that's more rural, out of the city, so enjoyable.  Not, where is my coffee, where is our food, why is this burned.  It bums me out.

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    Yeah.... Not worth the wait, or the drive. Nothing is vegan. Food is mediocre. If you hate breakfast foods, this place will not make you revise your thoughts. It'll just fuel your feelings.

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    I so wanted to love this place but I just can't. Husband, daughter and I went for lunch. We were greeted pretty promptly and decided to eat outside on the beautiful Sept. day. The road had washed out and there was a lot of construction noise but it was our choice to sit there so the lack of stars had nothing to do with it.

    My husband ordered the steak sandwich special, I had the clarksville scramble omelet and my daughter had a cheeseburger and fries. I get that everything was made to order and it was all delicious but there were only 2 other tables in the restaurant and it took over 30 minutes to get our meals from the time we ordered them and when they came out my daughter's fries were still not done. She didn't get them for another 7 minutes (yes I timed it). I've worked in restaurants and good food takes time but I think it's highly impractical if they're waiting for an order before they cut the onions for the omelet or make the coleslaw. I don't know why it took that long.

    While everything was delicious I don't see me going out of my way to eat here again.

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    Went here on a super hot summer night. Too bad it was about 10-15 degrees hotter INSIDE the restaurant than outside. With our toddler son in tow, the heat went from a bit uncomfortable to darnright obnoxious as we waited. And waited.

    Menu is limited but that's ok because everything seems to be very fresh. We confirmed this because they must have gone in back to kill the chicken and pick the cabbage for the cole slaw with the amazingly long wait time . . . did I mention that it's hot in there?

    We ordered a barbecue sample platter and fried clams. We figured they would be delivered fairly quickly - after all these are the types of foods you find in roadside shacks because the vast majority of the work is done prior to the meal. Let the bbq meats smoke all day and finish them for 5 minutes on the grill . . . pre-bread the clams and toss them in the fryer. Not so much at Jake Moon. We waited at least 30 minutes in the sauna for our food. For some reason they had an AC and 3 fans on one side of the restaurant and nothing on the other. Guess what side we were on? We had plenty of time to mull over their ventilation decisions . . . as we waited, the poor elderly couple behind us requested their food to go. I'm surprised no one walked out.

    Voila! The food arrives. The clams are fantastic. The bbq platter not so much. The meat was tender from the smoking, but the chicken and pork were pretty badly over-cooked. Which really boggles the mind considering that we were starving (and hot!) and waiting for food that was cooking long after it was done.

    Dessert menu looked great but we were more focused on a gatorade and a shower.

    Service was pretty poor, older woman that was nice enough albeit a bit sassy and TOTALLY overwhelmed. Seemed like the kind of service that would be cool at breakfast time, but at dinner when we're paying kicked-up prices we're expecting a bit more professionalism.

    I can see this place being awesome on a Wednesday night in the fall, but for a hot summer Saturday evening . . . fughedabout it! No will someone get me an ice cold beer (this place is BYO too)???

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    To be fair, this place is 3 1/2 to 3 3/4 stars...It's part..A+ OK and Yeah I'm a fan...

    A stroll into the country and Hill-towns produced this culinary visit, even though we had breakfast at 9, and opted for a brunch-y lunch at 1:15.

    No the decor isn't much, it's like the basement of a bi level house you partied too much in back in high school. The servers are a combination of sassy, friendly and, "go ahead and stuff your face you fat bastard."  The Chef gave me a friendly hello from the line as when I went to the restroom.

    The menu isn't huge, but it is varied, and we had many courses of food that was FRESH for a sunday morning ( and this is coming from a former Chef who used brunch exclusively to clean out his walk-in to the hung oProxy-Connection: keep-alive Cache-Control: max-age=0 r crowd.) and quite tasty, that almost put me into a coma.

    To open with we had cranberry scone that was like a combo of scone/crumb cake served warm with some butter. The Konge had Eggs Benedict w/ 1 blueberry pancake, and sausage. Perfect eggs benny, with local eggs, and excellent hollandiase, and thick slices of smoked ham! Next up Mr. P  had hash...with 1 fried egg. two excellent home made sausage, and sliced home made toast. A mountain of food for two with coffee and juice for 25.05 with tax!

    Yeah the service and timing of both in the kitchen and front of the house could use a bit of work, the decor leaves much to be desired, but Chef Dan Smith likes cooking, and with a few tweeks here and hey it could be 4.

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    I went to Jake Moon for the first time this afternoon and really enjoyed it.

    The food was fantastic--I had a Clarksville Scramble (3 eggs, Canadian bacon because they were out of handmade sausage, onion, cheese, herbs) with homemade Onion Dill bread. The bread was a great consistency and flavor, crusty on top and soft inside. The scramble was flavorful and had lots of yummy textures without any one ingredient being too overpowering.

    I had mulled cider to drink, which was far and beyond the best cider I've ever had. It featured lots of cinnamon and was alternately sweet and tart... So warm and delicious on a freezing day like today!

    My Dad ordered an omelet with mushrooms and cheese, which he enjoyed a lot, too. My boyfriend got the special bacon and cheddar quiche with a side salad of fresh greens/balsamic vinaigrette.  He liked his lunch, but felt that it wasn't quite enough food. My scramble, on the other hand, was more than enough...I had some leftovers to bring home.

    Service here was prompt and good. Also, each of our meals was $10 or less.

    I will definitely be back to try dinner sometime, prices are pretty darn reasonable...I see a steak entree for less than $20, so I'll be back for that at the very least...And the cider! ;o)

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    daniel - you have to try it again and revise your review.

    we got here around 11:30 and got a booth right away - we got lucky but the turnaround was pretty fast. there is a large counter that you could eat at as well if you didn't want to wait for a booth or table.

    the service was friendly and fast. we both had the sausage and gravy bisquits despite the warning of thin gravy from previous review (i am not sure that we agree on what constitues thin - this was so thick you could almost hold your fork up in it) and it was amazing.

    the red potatos were so flavorful that i almost kept them when they came not crispy the way i ordered them. they very graciously took them back and crisped them some more. they were done to perfection this time and they had (unnecessarily) added more for my having to wait.  i had to bring most of them home as the rest of the delicious food had filled me to the brim. oh - the busquits were light and moist and tasty.

    we even lucked out and they had some fresh onion dill bread come out as we were finishing up and they sold me a HUGE loaf for $5.50.

    the crowd was also surprisingly diverse and unpretentious. well worth the (not-so-huge) trek from albany.

    the dinner menu looks equally tempting with even some vegan items for kenz so we will be back and will update with a dinner review.

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    Yup, if I come into money I can spend freely, I'll make the trek out to this wonderful spot more often.  I didn't get to talk to the chef except in passing, but the work he puts into his food is clearly evident, even without asking about his herb garden or the local farms from which he sources his ingredients.

    From the outside, Jake Moon looks like nothing much -- perhaps a little lunch place in woods.  The inside has the same feeling; there's a counter with stools around it, the smell of coffee, coat hooks on the wall, and booths around the perimeter.  It has a diner sort of feel, but it's not the Jersey sort of diner; it's all wood, except for the linoleum counter.  The place bustles, and the food smells are intoxicating.

    I had the hangar steak, which came with the most delicious champignon sauce and excellent home-fried potatoes.  My dinner mates had the fish fry, the wienerschnitzel, and the crab cakes.  I only got to try the latter, and they were also delicious -- not too greasy, not so salty or spiced as to cover the taste of the crab.  Delicious.

    For dessert, we had the crêpe suzette, the apple crisp, and the coffee toffee tart.  The crêpe and the tart were decent; I would have liked the former to be a bit tangier and not so buttery, and the latter, while very tasty, wasn't my favorite.  The apple crisp was killer; simple and delicious.

    Remember: BYOB.  I'd recommend Pinot Grigio or Gewurztraminer to go with the winter flavors offered here.

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    Very homey place.  If I had to judge the food alone it would probably be more of a 3 star restaurant however the cute bed and breakfast atmosphere plus the bring your own bottles makes it a solid 4 star joint.

    The food was very similar to going over to a friends place who knows how to cook.  It was solid but not spectacular.  It was good old comfort food.

    The service was a little slow but it was nice to be slowed down and digest between servings.  Very sweet place, I would def. recommend coming with your family but maybe not on a date (at least not the first one)

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    We went there for dinner last Saturday night. Like some other reviewers, we really wanted to like it. Great concept, interesting menu, local food. But we have to agree with @ Heather R. It just doesn't live up to the promise. First, the service is really, really slow and not very friendly. We probably waited 45 minutes for our Steak Frites -- and that's after we completed the appetizer. The basket of home baked bread had been sliced way too far ahead of time and was dry and brittle. The fried bluepoint oyster appetizer was cooked appropriately, but the sauce was way, way oversalted and nearly inedible. The main course was just ok... again, a heavy hand on the salt and a pedestrian approach. The real problem for us were the flies -- esp. the dead ones stuck to the screen on the window by the table. For $50 without liquor, we would have expected more.

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    I really would have liked to say only nice things about this place , but i'm not a liar.
    I will say that the food was great......when we finally got it.
    We sat for a good long while before our drink order was even taken, so we made a group decision to order our entire meal with our drinks to ensure that we would get to order sooner.  We waited for about 20 minutes to get our food , and then the first meal arrived. by itself.
    20 more minutes went by and two more dishes came out. (We were still missing two) in ten minutes we had all of our dishes which everyone was more than happy with. It was completely baffling to me that an entire tables order was put in and came out in such a mish-mashed wack-a-doo manner.
    The food was great, but the service was lack luster. I would go back, but only if I had a lot of time on my hands to wait around.

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    The breakfast is generous, healthy and delicious.  Much to choose from inc. homemade breads, omelots, unusual scrambles...Service is personable caring and efficient.  I'm told the owner was chef at Nicole's Bistro.  Soon I'll try the weekend lobsterbake!

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    Finally got to try this place.  We went there for breakfast last week and really enjoyed it.  She ordered the gravy and biscuits with over easy eggs. We both really liked the dish. The sausage in the gravy is home made.  They also smoke their own bacon (which is very good) and other products on premise.

    I had the hash with poached eggs, bacon and dill onion toast. No complaints at all.  I like how the hash wasn't super greasy.  The beets in it are different but add a great flavor.  

    I think the complaints received here must have been just been an off day (for customer or cook).  We can't wait to go back and try the dinners.

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    This review is for Fan #91

    There is no Jane's Place though the building still claims there to be. Only the collapsible sign in the street asserts it to be Jake Moon's since January '09.  And there's no Jake Moon. Only his great, great grandson, chef Dan Smith, who can be seen in glimpses above his prep table when the wait staff swings open the door to his kitchen.

    I can eat here with a clean concience. Most of the ingredients come from local farms or Smith's own backyard. He's ambitious in reaching for greatness and spot-on with his integrity and care for his product.

    The patrons are the proper folk of the capitol region and Clarksville. Many vests, turtlenecks, white hair and a few contractors. Far from a working man's meal, though this is where you go if you take pride in what you put in your body. And it's heard from the restraint of din in the dining room; you can listen to the customers concentrating on their plates.

    Red Flannel hash was different than i'm used to. It's a mix borrowed from a local farm. It's not corned beef, but sirloin mixed in with beets, corn, onions, potato and egg. Don't go in expecting a grease-filled regret - I was surprised at how delicate this was, considering it's a "hash". Hash is a Man's meal. Salty and harsh, but this was cool and calm. Tucked nicely underneath a egg top hat.

    The Bennett Hill Scramble was the winner of our table. It's an omelette of wild mushrooms, herbs and fresh gouda. The cheese threw off my expectations of mushrooms and it's inconsistency made each bite fresh. I thought it was great. And I don't even like mushrooms.

    As for their home-baked bread... I was expecting a better version. But I appreciated the effort, and in a moment of self-realization, I think it just might be the wording on the menu that I appreciate. Execution could use improvement or maybe I just caught them on a bad day.

    There's a large daily specials menu guided by the season. Dinners seem more interesting than anything else and I wish I could stick around for the fish fry and the poutine, but on my Sunday they were breakfast only.

    Cooked simply, all of the ingredients have an important place in the dishes here. Prices aren't bad at all, considering the pretense that should be occurring. That would be occurring if it weren't so off the beaten path. Chef Dan Smith gives a great example of For us, By us. Thanks for letting me in.

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    As much as it pains me to write this review, I have to put execution over ideology.

    Today was Father's Day.  Perhaps it was just a bit busier than Jake Moon was expecting for 12:30p.  And I am sworn to give it another try, because this kind of place that charges reasonable prices for quality local food should be an easy favorite.

    I feel so let down.  

    First, and I just need to get this off my chest, I was really looking forward to a hamburger.  But when we got there, I was told they were only serving breakfast.  I couldn't quite tell if it was on account of it being Sunday or the holiday.  

    Looking over the breakfast side of the menu, their hand cut corned beef hash sounded appealing.  But it turns out they had run out.  They had also run out of most kinds of toast.  And they ran out of decaf (for the missus) but they filled her cup halfway with the dregs and promised a new pot was on its way.  And they were out of milk for the kiddo to drink.

    So I ordered a favorite dish of mine from when I was younger, biscuits with sausage gravy.  It's a southern dish, so I was a little apprehensive about how good it would be.  It came with potatoes and two eggs, which I asked for poached soft.

    Mrs. Daniel B. got straight eggs over easy, with toast, potatoes and bacon.  Young master Daniel B. got the bacon egg and cheese sandwich on toast.  

    Mine really wasn't very good.  The gravy was a bit thin, the sausage was fine, but the biscuit was a bit tough.  One of the poached egg yolks was not nestled within the white, and was overcooked around the edges.  And the potatoes were tasty with plenty of onions, if a bit oily and pale.  

    Oh, and there was a hair baked into the biscuit too.  Luckily I'm not the squeamish type, but it's a little concerning nobody in the kitchen noticed.  I mean... the hair was in the dough.  So it could have been noticed when it the dough.  Or, when the dough was formed into biscuits.  Or, when the biscuits were baked.  Or when the biscuit was sliced.  Or when the biscuit was grilled.  It was not a short hair.  

    The wife's was just fair.  Her eggs over easy were also a bit overcooked.  

    I understand that sometimes places off the beaten path have their quirks.  And I am a patient man.  So I'll be back.  The promise of Jake Moon is too great to give up on it.  

    And I really hope you go and prove me wrong before I get the chance to return.  But even going in with lower expectations will not save this place if their execution today was not an anomaly.

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    I grew up in Clarksville so to see a new restaurant open on my recent trip back was very exciting. If you're familiar with C'ville then you know not much goes on there. The reason why some embrace it or some leave it.

    When my parents told me the former "June's Place" was a new restaurant, I was not very enthusiastic. I partially expected just another cafe/diner-like place with corned beef hash out of a can (don't get me wrong, there is a time and a place for that, drunk 2a...but I digress). I was pleasantly surprised to find a nice menu using Meadow Brook Farm's dairy products and freshly baked bread. The menu is everything anyone is looking for in a small town restaurant but prepared using mostly local ingredients and with thoughtfulness.

    I was glad to see the tables were full and everyone eating happily. I hope they succeed and will definitely be back on our next visit. As the previous reviewer said, don't be put off by the location. Step in and have yourself a nice meal.

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