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    I'll be honest. I came here every single Friday night 3 summers in a row. And then I dated the DJ. And sometimes I still pop over there when I'm in the area. I've been smushed between wall-to-wall people, and then my best friend and I have been the only 2 people in the entire club. I've had fun both ways, but Fridays are definitely where it's at.

    There's a pole on a platform in the middle of the dance floor. It's usually taken over by people you sorta wish would stay off of it, but that comes with the territory, right?

    The music is a mix of hip-hop, reggaeton, pop, and sometimes country (ugh). There's a good change that if you wanna hear some classic hip-hop they'll have it. If you're planning on getting wwwwwwaaaasted, then go before everyone gets there (usually around 12) and enjoy the cheap drinks! If you come to people watch or grind on a sweaty stranger that probably just got done hunting, then come later on.

    My personal favorite part of the night is probably around 130-2am (open until 230 am!) when the DJ starts to play all the reggaeton.

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