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    Nice. KFC and Taco Bell combo thing. The KFC Buffet is awesome. Food is great. Can't wait to do it again. Get you "grub" on and try it.

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    Okay - it's one of those KFC and Taco Bell at the same place fast food places. That should have been a tip-off but it was worse than i could have imagined. I ordered a taco and a burrito from the value menu and my wife ordered a chicken sandwich from the value menu and mashed potatoes. Twenty-five minutes later we got our food and none of it was hot. The "crispy" taco was a soft taco and tasted like it was made about six hours before they served it to me after a 25 minute wait. Mashed taters were cold as well. We got to wait so long we saw customer after customer treated poorly and served food they ended up complaining about at the counter. Several families came in and got the KFC buffet and were assured more chicken was on the way out. Sometime during our 25 minute wait one of the KFC crew said they were out of chicken and there would be no more chicken. Unlikely they were out of chicken since it's a KFC. The grouchy frumpy manager did give refunds to several folks who had the buffet. Stay the heck away from this dive. They must have had about 10 people "working" but it took 25 minutes to make a taco and a burrito? Give me a break. I've seen lots more made in less than five minutes at every other Taco Bell I've ever been to. You don't want chicken or tacos bad enough to eat here. Matter of fact, even if you do, they might tell you after 25 minutes they have no chicken. What a miserable dive. OH YEAH - our order was to go and we got no spork for the potatoes. How the heck do you eat mashed taters and gravy without a spoon? Give me a break...

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