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    I had ordered the lemon pepper cod.  I've ordered this times before.  It came out a fried breaded mess.  I couldn't eat it.  The manager was amazing and took it off I offered to pay for my sides that I did eat but he took it off.  The staff are friendly and they have great desserts!  They do need some more help with hostess and seating.  The young hostess Brooke was cashing people out slowly and we had a huge line to leave and no one else acknowledged this and customers asked who would seat them, Brooke replied me but I am busy with this line you all can just go and seat yourself.  I found this rude and un inviting.  A few people left and some sat anywhere.

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    Let me start out by admitting my bias: I love King's. I've been a huge fan ever since tripping over it in Pittsburgh. This is just an extension of the chain.

    Frownies are amazing. We're talking fudge coated cakey brownies of heaven. With frosting frowns iced on.

    Why not 5 stars? Not as impressed with this location. The service was superb, our waitress was amazing, food was awesome, but the whole place seemed kind of eternally dingy and dirty. Maybe it needs a fresh coat of paint, maybe it needs more natural lighting...

    Whatever the case, bottom line, I highly recommend it.

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