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    While working in the area I found myself in Iowa Falls at lunch time and decided to try Las Flores.  I had seen it on previous trips but never at the right time.

    I would classify Las Flores as a typical small town family style Mexican restaurant.  I found it pretty mediocre and uninspired, very formulaic on the first visit.  The chips were the thin restaurant style and mine were kind of stale.  The salsa seemed to be canned tomato sauce with a little oregano added.  Nothing special.

    They have no taco menu, per se, which is not surprising, but they do offer tacos de carne asada.  I asked for corn tortillas or I would have received flour.  The meat was chewy and unseasoned.  In these kinds of restaurants, carne asada (or huevos con chorizo) are things that can't really be screwed up, but this carne was sub par.  The beans were fairly creamy but were pretty much unseasoned.

    Based on one visit, I found the food to be mediocre, fairly bland and not particularly well executed.  If you are in this part of Iowa and the drive makes sense, go to Los Compadres in Story City or make much better Mexican at home.

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