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    I only went to Leroy's once.  And I missed Market Grill.  What's a bar without barfights and smoking?  Not a place I want to spend my cold hard college cash.

    Too many college kids.  Not enough townies.

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    Not as divey as some dives I've known. Solid country-townie bar, like I've seen in small Illinois and Wisconsin towns. PBR = plus. Barstaff = plus. Clientele = meh.  

    Update: A trip to Market Grill (ugh!) forced me to raise Leroy's rating by one star.  It's all relative in this town.

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  • 0

    dive is the operative word here, and leroy's is THE dive to visit, if you're in the mood for that sort of thing.  if you see mr. ulbright there, tell him i said hi.

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