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    Let me start off by saying that I have strict criteria for rating a restaurant one star. One or more of the following conditions would have to exist. A server would have to strike me or have inappropriate contact with me. I would actually put up with rudeness if another server was available to take over. The food would have to be bad enough that even if I sent it back nothing could be done because it's just the way they make it. Finally, a serious cleanliness or bug issue would have to present itself. Things started to go downhill upon entry to the dining room. The dining room was dated, dingy, dusty, and musty. Things got worse when we sat down at the table. The flatware was spotted. My friend was ready to leave at this point, but I was determined because we had a coupon. The only thing that looked interesting on the menu was the french onion soup. We put in an order for two soups, salads, and two entrees. About two minutes later my friend overturned her dirty teacup which was residing on the dirty saucer and this is when the big dead bug made an appearance. She did not even tell me we were leaving. She ran back and into the kitchen to inform the server and whoever else was present that we were terminating our dining experience and why. The server was upset, but my friend had the attitude "call the cops" "do whatever you want" "we're leaving" so we left.

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