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    This place is awesome! great selection of cigars and a great selection of liquor!

    Quiet, relaxing and just cool!

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    Excellent selection of booze to go with your favorite stick. Humidor is well stocked, albeit on the small side. Quality selection they do have, though. Accommodating staff.  Nice, albeit again small, seating area. Worth the trip until the legislature gets wise to allowing cigar bars in Seattle area.

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    Lit is WAY TOO close to my home for my health! Love this spot! Atmosphere, great selection of cigars (with a nicely organized walk-in humidor), and the perfect "spirit" accompaniment is always suggested by a knowledgable staff member. ALL 5 Stars.

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    Highly recommend!
    Atmosphere is critical in a cigar bar and this place has it where it counts. It has an open and easy space to navigate. The chairs are big and soft, the kind you just sink into. The lighting is perfect, not too light, not too dark.

    They have a large walk in humidor and a fully stocked bar. The bartender walks the floor making sure glasses stay full. Large screen televisions are everywhere so there isn't a bad angle.

    Truly a nice find.

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    Lit is located in the Snoqualmie Casino on the south side of the casino by the main entrance.  They have a good choice of non-Cuban cigars.  There is ample seating at the bar or in the lounge.  The staff is quite knowledgeable on cigars and libations.  They are quite busy in the evening or when the Casino is sponsoring one of their events.  If you want a comfortable seat in the lounge during peak hours, it's best to arrive early.  It's a lively place during those hours.  It's a bit of a drive to get there.  If you plan on imbibing, I'd suggest calling Alex at 1st Class Limos.

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