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    Overall this is a great venue to see a small concert.

    It is much bigger than you would expect looking at it from the outside. There is a very large and roomy bar area, a huge area off to the side with booths, and then a pit area right in front of the spacious stage. Working bands would dream about playing in a place like this, because the stage is big and there are plenty of areas for people to watch the shows. I was here for a show, and the bands had plenty of room to set out merch and mingle with the crowd.

    There are plenty of bartenders and people around to help you--on a approaching the bar, we never had to wait for more than 10 seconds to get a beer. Granted it was Tuesday night, so it might get a lot busier on weekends, but it seemed like Lost Horizon could accommodate pretty much anyone that would come see the caliber of bands they host.

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