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    Stick with the pasta on this menu or you will regret it! I appreciate that they homemake all their pastas, and in general these dishes are pretty good. The Chicken Parmesan, on the other hand, was god awful. The chicken was tough and the breading had a bizarre flavor to it. Also, Lucatelli's gnocchi was too dense and the sausage that came on top of the gnocchi was bland. I think the salad bar was decent, and the bacon lentil soup is pretty darn tasty.

    I actually like the classic "out of the 60's" atmosphere. They even have a piano, and musicians often stop to play it!

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    Would definitely go back again. As some reviewers have noted the decor and menu are out of the 60's - so what's wrong with that.  Entering you feel as though you're in  some outer borough of New York or maybe Chicago.  Large portions and all meals come with bread, and a soup and salad bar.  The bread was crusty and with good taste and the classic 'wholly' texture so important to bread.  The soup was very tasty homemade chicken.  While the salad bar may be limited I was able to put together a field greens salad with beets and blue cheese.  
    Main courses were huge and tasty.  Gnocchi and sausage was great with two homemade sausages rivaling grandma's.  We also had a very tasty chicken Marsala with two chicken breasts.  We have enough leftovers for a full lunch today and I rarely leave leftovers.
    I had to ask for it but there's a nice, good quality, reasonably priced wine list.  Our meal choices didn't work for sharing a bottle but the house wines were adequate, priced right and a good sized pour. I had a second glass of Montepulciano so it couldn't have been too bad.....
    The Marsala didn't come with either vegetable or pasta so we decided to order a broccoli which came out promptly, probably too promptly.  It was unfortunately like Mom made it with lots of garlic and oil but also overcooked.  On the positive side it good size bowl with enough for 2 and only $3.50.  They had a huge crowd last night with a 'formals' night of Cornell fraternities so possible the vegetables suffered.  But even with the crowd the service throughout the meal was excellent and we never felt lost.  Observing the delivery of the food to the huge group I was very impressed at the efficiency of  the wait staff.
    So overall a nice evening and really a very fair price.  While the entree's are about $$$ prices they include a lot and the wine is pretty reasonable too.

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    The menu here is a facade and a cheap trick to get you into the restaurant, because oh my lord I wish i looked up reviews of this place before going. The food here is vile. it is disgusting. The pre entree bread was hard to chew, the salad bar had about maybe 5 items all cheap (olive garden blows this out of the water), and the entree itself....I had cheese ravioli with meatballs tasted as Chef Ramsay would say: Fucking Bland.

    To top it all off, the crap here is priced ridiculously high for the price. For that ravioli meal I paid about 18$ with tax and tip, the value I would say was about 4$ (yes valued less than Subway).

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