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    Love!  We live very close by and this is our regular hang out place.  The wings are fantastic and so are the desserts.  Make sure to hit up the weekend nights for great drink prices and live DJ.

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    Decided to try the place out since we were on this side of town.

    Tucked away behind the diner and McDonalds.  We weren't sure if the place was open for business (Monday in S.V.).  Sent one of the kids in to make sure the doors weren't locked.  They were open!

    Went in and the place was dead.  Only one other table was occupied and they arrived a few minutes before us.  The Host/Waiter seated us next to each other, would have been nice to get a bit of separation since there was so much space.

    Ordered the Spinach/Artichoke Dip as an appetizer.  It was decent, but we could have used some more bread to dip.  Was gone about halfway through.  The host/waiter was kind enough to bring out some bread rolls for us to finish it up.

    Main course was beef stir-fry (good portion and tasted great), Beef Tips (not bad), Italian Dumplings (so so) and Enchiladas (m'eh).  The kids ending up getting two scoops of ice cream for dessert.

    All in all, not a bad experience (Definitely have had worse in S.V.).  The host/waiter was attentive and food came hot and was well presented.  If you're looking for a quiet place to eat, I'd give this place a shot. ;)

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    SO this is a tough one.  The food continues to be excellent.  Risotto, seafood bisque, lamb, you name it it's delicious.  If I could rate the restaurant only on it's food it would get 4 or 5 stars easily.  But then we come to the wait-staff.  It's like this is the restaurant wait-staff go to to learn basics such as how to fill a water glass, because none of them can do it!  They wear t-shirt and jeans and serve fine dining food?  During one visit my mother finally just got up, walked over to the waiter's area grabbed the pitcher of water and brought it back to the table.  Our last visit my mother and I ordered the same meal but mine was rare and hers medium.  So hers comes out first?  Odd...but sure enough the waiter had placed my rare steak in front of my mother.  The bartender had no idea what an Old Fashioned cocktail was. Simply put...go for the food NOT the service.

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