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    This is the worst place I've been in my life I order oysters and  had no presentation
    didnt look good even so I ate theme because i paid for that  fortunately  they were not as bad as it  looked  I ordered beers and they never went to ask if i needed something more
    i had to call them to come,  they were not busy  they were  just talking. umong themselfs verry rude
    definitely keep me away from there.

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    If you wanna experience a border-neighborhood-like, cheesy environment with loud Mexican music with great "mariscos"(not seafood!), this is the place. I loved it because of that.
    I am confident to say that food was excellent, music could have been better if the volume was not so loud. The "waitresses" are like what most guys would wanna expect, but they were friendly and nice. You would think that you are in a "mariscos" bar in a border city such as TJ or so.
    If you do not like loud music, go there for lunch.
    I enjoyed it and I dininitely go back again.

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    Great service, very attentive waitresses. Most Gringos might feel uncomfortable at this joint as the juke box is blasting mexican music but if you can get past that you'll enjoy a good meal.

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    This place has super hot girls working during the evening. I come here just to flirt with the waitresses. Food is great too, but I honestly come for the ladies and the dranks.

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    This Joint got some bomb seafood & Pretty girls working at night time . Oyster,Crabs w.e u name they got it , mexican style seafood of course.
    of course.

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  • 0

    You can't really tell from the outside, how adorable it is on the inside. I love the walls which have murals on them. They have seating for big parties which is nice. Prices are not "cheap" but quite affordable.
    Karaoke there is beautiful. Its a lot of fun AND Sometimes they give you s free margarita if you sing! that is really awesome

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