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    Major dissapointment.  Seems like fine dining, but it's not.  The appetizers were the best part - crab dip was great.  I ordered the best steak on the menu.  It was their top of the line signature steak - what a dissapoiontment that was - gristle, flavorless - almost didn't finish it.  The corn casserole was also a let down - probably good enough to serve little kids.  The waitress left our dirty dishes for a good 15 or 20 minutes, after having bothered us every 3 or 4 minutes when serving drinks to start.  Overall:  Very uneven service and food.

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    My wife and I moved to the area about three years ago.  We have eaten at very nice restaurants in Nashville Chicago Memphis San Francisco NYC etc. and I have to say that the filet with potatoes and corn souffle is one of the best meals I have eaten.  We live 40 min away but go here about every other month.  Sea bass is excellent and cooked the same every time.  Service is what one would expect from small town but it is friendly and not stuffy or pretentious.

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    Sea bass and duck breast? Awesome! Sweet potato app? Go just for that. Will return for sure. Thanks for such a pleasant evening.

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    I did like the atmosphere and the service. Two stars but the food was disappointing.
    I got the black and bleu burger. It's a plain burger with some bleu cheese on it with pickles. Very bland. I knew when there were packets of mustard on the side of the plate, not to expect much.
     The pizza at the table next to me looked excellent. If you go here, don't get the burgers, get the pizza.

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    Nice atmosphere and good food. A hidden gem in a very rural area. Nothing like it unless you go 40 miles in another direction. I hate to say it but this place is lost on small town people. If they were in larger places they would realize this is a neighborhood gem.

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    Very enjoyable! Would recommend this place. Rare find in an area with nothing like it. Atmosphere is fantastic and the food offered here isn't available anywhere else (that I can tell) within 30 miles.

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    Man, Im really getting tired of writing reviews like this on places that people tell me are great.....oh well.

     First,  I agree with everyone else, the place is WAY too dark.  even if they used a lighter table cloth, that would bounce some of the light around instead of absorbing it, but as you will soon learn...........there maybe a thought process behind the darkness.

     There were only a few people in the joint, so we were seated immediately, the lady that hosted us was also our waitress.  She kinda got the cart before the horse and started tellin us about the "specials" before it was time and gave us a huge hint that should have be enough.............but alas, Im dense apparently.  She told us that they had some duck confit (pronounced con-fit) on the menu.  Someone that is tryin to be a big fish in a little pond but cant pronounce the menu is probably best left alone, will I EVER learn?

     We ordered the "creamy crab dip", I was scared they were gonna bring us fake crab meat mixed with ranch dressing........thankfully they didnt.........it tasted like they brought us tuna helper without the pasta.  At least it was hot.  The toasted bread wasnt crisp at all, it was like they toasted it, then placed it in a air tight container still hot........so the moisture got to it, it wasnt soggy, just limp?  The dip wasnt bad, just not what one would expect for 10.50.  Which brings me to another point, they had two sizes, she didnt offer to ask us which one we wanted, just brought the two of us the large.  Work that tip up girlfriend!!!

     We both had the salad with balsamic vinaigrette........vinaigrette has something more than just oil and vinegar in it guys............they call salad dressing with just oil and vinegar in it.........oil and vinegar.  she tried to convince me that the vinegar was white balsamic too........they must be used to stupid people eating at their place.

      My "special" was a 14oz locally grown ribeye that was more expensive than any other steak on the menu (found that out when the bill came), parm risotto, and spinach, not worth the $34 the plate cost.  The risotto wasnt risotto, hell, it wasnt even aborio rice!! That stuff was STIFF, the waitress asked me how my plate was, I said that it wasnt risotto, she looked at me like I farted.  Needless to say, I was quite pissed when I saw that the "special" wasnt the special that I was lookin for.

     Krista had creole blackened fish with lobster sauce over some sort of corn pudding.  YUCK!  Blackened fish requires a skillet guys, not throwing some weak ass seasoning on some fish and throwing the fish in the oven..........oh yeah, they seasoned one side of the fish.  The pudding?  WAY too sweet.

     The dining experience left something to be desired.  If youre looking for great food, cheaper, go to the steakhouse on the 2nd floor of the dog track in west memphis.  

     Their menu is all over the place, no structure, no vision.  I dont think they have any idea what they want to be when they grow up.  Piss poor plate execution for the prices they want to charge.  And they are trying to play in a league they lack the talent to compete in.......

     Sorry to all those that told me it was great..........but I dont think tonight was just an off night for them.  Oh yeah, the waitress told us that they do 100 covers a night!!!  wow, are people in Covington that serious about throwing money away?  If they are, I can send them my address.

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    I've eaten there twice for dinner.  Excellent food both times. Prices are very reasonable.  These would be $5-10 more per entree in a city and still worth it. Friendly and helpful wait staff. Enjoy your experience!

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    Marlo's is like Cheers in that they know us by first name and introduce us to everyone else.  If you just ask about the history of the building you learn interesting facts about where the bar and the stained glass were repurposed from. The food is made from fresh produce and ingredients, the beef is local and grass fed.  Once you become accustomed to eating this food, you'll never want to eat at another chain restaurant.  Great wine list and drink menu.  They have a great family night on Tuesdays like prime rib, cajun, build your own pasta and fajitas.  The pizzas are incredible as are the burgers (black and blue!)  The patio is a great area when the weather is nice.  If you don't like eating here you just don't know good food.  If you get the chocolate torte, share it....oh so delicious and rich. Oh, and they have a wine supper the last Saturday of every other month.  We've been once and really want to go again.

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    Overrated place!

    Atmosphere is quite enviting. Way too dim, though. Thought I was dining in a basement. (Well, you are, techinically, but they don't have to accentuate the fact with a lack of lighting.) They do have a nice patio area.

    My main gripe: the menu. The food ranges from fish to pizza to burgers. There are a total of *four* items on the entrees area of the menu. Everything else is scattershot. I *think* they're trying to be an Italian restaurant, but there's barely any consistency in the menu.

    I ordered a chicken saltimbocca like dish. The order took quite a while, but not forever. The sauce was watery and over-sweetened. It is no longer on the menu, unsurprisingly enough.

    Last gripe: the price. This place is charging a lot for a simply subpar experience.

    I hope to retry Marlo's, because it is a close restaurant with plenty of potential that the owner(s) need to realize. It would be a great break from the dull dining climate of this part of West Tennessee without having to drive to a large city.

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