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    I went to get something to eat tonight and quickly discovered I wouldn't be eating there. First - the lady that was working the register was walking around hacking up her lungs without so much as an attempt to cover her mouth. Second -(DRINKS) they give you a empty cup and you fill it. Well with each person in line in front of me that ordered multiple drinks she would reach the cups to them like she was carrying a bowling ball.....She had her fingers all the way inside the cups pinching them together in order to carry them all at once....Disgusting! Third- (2) employees were outside texting on their phones (while the place was a mess) and smoking in front of the store when I pulled up. As I briefly stood in line noticing the other nasty things happening they reentered the store and went directly back to their stations without washing their hands. It was unreal! Like they had never been trained at all on food handling.
    Look, I can appreciate that it's not a Dream job but you have a responsibility to the public for sanitary habits which include you being clean and the store being clean.
    No one wants to eat there with nasty things going on. I for sure wasn't going to eat a large fry with a side of lung juice and drink from a cup that had been fingered with what looked like the hands of a farmer. As for the 2 on break you could have been picking your nose or your butt for all I know. If the place is too busy for you to wash your hands and be clean, just think how many people would eat there if the place and the people were clean. It would probably boost business enough to where someone might get a raise. Give it a try! Lastly.....shame on you McDonalds for not doing a better job on training the people you let wear your BILLION DOLLAR LOGO

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