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    Opening on time, hit and miss. Courteous service, not a chance. Cleanliness, what a joke. Is there ever a reason for gloves, of course not, they are only dealing with people's food.
    Because when I think of fast-food, I always like to make sure that the restaurant has the employee that is collecting, not only my money but everybody else's, be the very same individual who promptly fondles my food. But... not before the "server" gets a chance to use their hands several times over, as a tissue to wipe their runny nose. After all, who in their right mind wouldn't want that? Mmm, anyone up for the bubonic plague or a nice case of what ever disease was featured in the movie Outbreak?

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  • 0

    The same people handing the money also handles your food and no gloves . This is not the only place it's good mood food just watch them.

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