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    This place has such great deals that they must sell food like HOTCAKES! My family and I stopped by here and the line was crrraaaaazzzzzyyyy, obviously a sign of great food if people are willing to wait. I ordered the sausage egg mcgriddle combo for $3, the sweetness of the hotcakes perfectly balanced the salty flavor of the sausage patty. I wolfed mine down as fast as possible before moving onto my hash brown (CHOMP CHOMP CHOMP). The hash brown was fried to perfection and had a nice golden color to it and tasted as good as it looked. My sister got the egg and cheese mcmuffin and her fiancé got an egg and cheese biscuit. The cashier looked at him like he was crazy for not getting a drink (Guuuuuurrrrrllll not all of us like coffee). However, I think he missed out because my coffee was deeeeeelicious, better watch out Starbucks cause McDonald's is coming for ya. Needless to say I'm surprised this McDonald's hasn't been awarded a Michelin star but they can get FIVE STARS from me.

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    Of course conveniently located right off of the ramp, and this place was HOPPING BUSY!

    1st time I've ever seen a 7 person line for the gals bathroom.

    However the staff was top notch, knocked out our 2 dipped cones $1.50 each no problem.

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