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    This is a little restaurant on the main street of Hurlock on the Eastern Shore. I went there for lunch while visiting my mom who lives in this little town. I have passed this place many times but never really stopped in. A friend of my mom's invited me to lunch and picked this place.

    it was obvious most people knew each other. They all were talking and saying hi. The waitresses were the greatest. So friendly and full of energy. I never saw them stop.

    Ours recommended the lima bean soup and it was delicious. Lots of beans and spiced just right. All soups are homemade of course. Can't wait to go back and try the rest of them. That navy bean one sounded good.

    We split a club sandwich which was a good thing cause it was huge. The bacon was perfectly cooked and the ham and turkey were fresh. Offered several choices of bread. We selected the wheat.

    There are not many tables but there was a nice counter that you could sit out. On the counter was some cakes that looked delicious. Unfortunately I was full. They gave us our drinks in a styrofoam  cup to take with us. Filled to the brim. This huge sandwich was only $6.95. We added fries for a dollar instead of the small bag of chips that comes with it. The waitresses were very attentive and it was a really enjoyable lunch. Total bill only $13.

    I love finding these types of places. They have a fried perch night on Friday where you can eat all you want with numerous sides for $10. There is also a St. Patrick's Day celebration coming up with Karoake. Plenty of parking on the side street by the railroad tracks or across the street.

    Can't wait to go back and try some of their other sandwiches.

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