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    Great food. Nice staff. Good overall comfort food. Best in the area. Nice variety of desserts and they are all good.

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    Love this place!

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    You get a ridiculous amount of food for a pretty decent price.

    I dined here with grandparents, uncle and Dad a couple nights ago. 4/5ths of us got the crabcake(s) and my grandma got the special (which was fish but tbh I can't remember what it was, sea bass maybe?)

    The crabcakes were good -- pretty standard. My baked potato was AMAZING, the broccoli could have been cooked a LITTLE bit longer (I don't like crunchy broccoli) and the house salad was good and standard.

    They have an awesome selection of desserts -- try the strawberry cream pie if they have it.

    Word of advice: don't sit under a fan because the draft is HORRENDOUS. As a waitress myself I understand it gets REALLY hot when you're running around like a chicken... but as someone who once managed a restaurant, I understand the customer is ALWAYS right. (IE; we asked our server to turn down the fan and she said the owner didn't like the fans turned off or down because of how hot it gets in the place -- well, it was 72 degrees and breezy out that day, I think turning down the fan would have and should have been acceptable).

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    I'd heard such great things about this place that I was expecting a excellent meal. Unfortunately, it was mediocre at best, and the fact that they gave me the wrong entree didn't help.

    Salads were fine, nice that they put the dressing on the side instead of on it so patrons can control the amounts.  

    Next the rolls came and they were...weird. They had an odd, dense texture and were almost flavorless. I usually love bread and rolls at restaurants and have to force myself not to overindulge. But despite being ravenously hungry, I put my roll down after only 2 little bites. It was almost like they left out some essential ingredient or something.

    I ordered the Rajin' Cajun pasta, but instead was served some sort of bland marinara sauce over lukewarm pasta. It was a pretty major disappointment. Didn't feel like complaining or sending it back, so just ate it anyway.

    I should mention that the service was really great - fast, friendly and cheerful.

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