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    my friends and I eat out quite a bit, and sometimes the food or service isn't great but I've never complained or sent food back, that's life. But this place was SO BAD I did both! First the waitress basically ignored us to flirt with a table of guys. I didn't think she would ever stop and even acknowledge us! When we finally got served, our food was ROTTEN. We both ordered a fish sandwich (Something I order alot) and the fish was BAD. We both took one bite and spit it out! The waitress "checks with the chef" who says he "hasn't had any other complaints".....it went downhill from there...they tried to make us pay for it, saying we had eaten some of it (NO!!!!)...never saw chef or manager, just now surly waitress...it was like a sit-com with out the laughs it was so bad! BAD BAD BAD!!!!!! I have never been back...hopefully the people I dealt with are now unemployed or doing something more suited to their skills (whatever that might be) but I won't chance it!

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