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    Its one thing to see two redneck alcoholics get in a fight, but when you see some drunk a$$ pull his g/f out of her car by her hair and nearly knock her out in the parking lot and then gets in his monster truck drives away..and management see's the whole thing happen and doesn't do a thing and then won't let YOU in the place because you called the cops on the guy... you're probably better off just not coming back, EVER. Great way to run a business..

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  • 0

    This place was great!  Fun, food was tasty and the staff as well as their patrons were all very nice.  They remember your name....that's good customer service!  Will be coming back next time we are in the area.  You do have to becareful of the fights....they don't happen to often but hillbillies get drunk and they fight.

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