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    Good local pizza joint. Our waitress was Dana and she was great. Always had a smile and very attentive. We had house salad which easily would have fed three and was very fresh and good. Like the pepperoni pizza! Stop here every summer when we are in town.

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    I ordered to-go pizza from this restaurant twice this summer.

    The first time I looked at their menu and saw that they had a veggie pizza that included broccoli, but broccoli was not an option on the toppings menu...so I decided to get the veggie pizza and ask for meatballs on top....The guy behind the counter thought this was hilarious as apparantly you have to be a vegetarian to buy a veggie pizza.  I explained my reasoning to him and went on my way.

    Two weeks later I tried to order the same thing, as it tasted good. I called it in, 10 minutes later they called and told me they were out of meatballs....someone failed inventory class. I was staying at Chase Lake so I was already on my way into town to get the pizza...so I said fine and figured I'd pretend I was a vegetarian that night.  I picked up the pizza and they charged me for the meatballs anyway--FAIL.

    So this was normal yet very overpriced take out pizza (my veggie with meatballs without meatballs cost $32), with not so great counter service.

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