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    My wife and I have been going to the Oasis for a couple of years.  The food is truly the best in town, the beers are interesting and varied, and the staff, from the owner on down, are great people.

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    I liked Oasis, it has a good selection of brews and they have some nice pool tables there... the staff is friendly and the TV's are good size and the general atmosphere is relaxing. i

    While here, try to be hungry and try some of their food... that kitchen cooks up some tasty stuff and you won't regret it... t

    Come for the beer, food, and staff and you won't regret your time..

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    The new owners have created quite a hot spot in Sequim!
    The new menu offers many selections for every palate.
    Want a fun dinner based around a brewery or a winery? Check out their scheduled events..they always sell out so make your reservations early!
    We have never been disappointed in anything we've ordered. A fantastic place!

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    One really annoying experience.  Came in to have a beer and a burger and watch some sports but the dart boards beeping every few minutes made watching sports impossible.  the food was average, nothing to write home about.  Maybe it was just an off night.

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