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    This is definitely NOT a bar. It is instead a place where you can taste wonderful balsamic vinegars and infused olive oils, separately and in mixtures. Treat yourself to a bottle of meyer lemon-infused olive oil and a bottle of raspberry-infused 18-year-aged balsamic vinegar; mix about 2:1 for salad dressing or to dip bread. Your mouth will be so happy.

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    We were in Cannon Beach for a wedding and happened upon this place. My boyfriend is a lover of all things olive oil and the place looked nice so we stopped in. What a great experience! Its very minimal inside with a row of vinegars against one wall and a row of oils against the other the with table in the middle with toothpicks, cups, and bread for tasting (little spoons too for those who can't have bread - a very nice touch). I believe the lady who was there was the owner and she was great. After a quick greeting from her adorable rescue dog she explained to us about the types of olive oil and vinegars they had and then gave us a quick tutorial about how the tasting worked and then let us taste away. I didn't have anything I didn't like. The Balsamic vinegars were very rich and delicious while the olive oils each had such a unique flavor that I almost couldnt imagine doing anything with them but using them to dip bread in. The lady helping us showed us some different mixes (balsamic vinegar infused with chocolate mixed with the BV infused with orange - YUM!), but definitely wasn't over bearing. It was a great experience and I've already picked out the next flavors I'm going to get online. If you are in Cannon Beach and want something to check out that isn't an every day experience definitely go to this place.

    (We walked out with the Blackberry Balsamic, Olive oil with Lemon, Olive oil with Basil and their award winning olive oil and all of them are super tasty!)

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