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    . Overall, not a bad place if you are looking for someplace close to home.

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    Packy's is someplace I wouldn't find on my own without having being brought there.  I have now been a handful of times, and have always had such a blast.  

    They have trivia there on Wednesday nights with Voodoo Dave, who is hilarious and fun.  When you win, you get a Packy's giftcard, which is awesome -- we used that to come back for casual lunch and drinks one random Sunday, that Sunday, the bartender was awesome, and the food is good!

    They have "close-up" magic on Friday nights with Mark Gobeo, which isn't something you find at every establishment, and I thought it was really really cool -- go and check him out!

    It's just a great place to go to kill some time, any night of the week, there's always something going on -- love the atmosphere, since it's more of a "family-friendly" place, you don't usually get that douchey bar crowd.

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    Great sports bar/dive bar, food and drink prices are reasonable, new/old ownership as the original owners bought it back and have added all flat screen tvs and brought back some of the original help. great place to watch all your football and make sure you try the french dip.

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    For those of you who are New York Jets' Football Fans in South Florida, I am writing this review

    Packy's is a great "Jet's Bar"  to watch Sunday football games.  There are approximately 50+ Jet's fans that come here every week to watch the game.  Although there is plenty of seating, it does fill up fast so make sure to come early to get  a good seat .  There are approximately 15 or so TV's playing various games, but you will find the Jet's game's dominating the four big screen/projection TV's that anchor either side of the two main bar areas.

    Food & Drinks: Wings and other game time appetizers here are terrific. Beer selection is a little bit limited (no Blue Moon and limited on imports), but as long as the beer is served cold and frosty, who really cares?

    Overall: If you are Jet's fan come on down. If not a fan, still come on down (as long as you can stand the chant's of "J-E-T-S, Jets Jets Jets" that occur every time the Jet's score!) for the good food and drinks.

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    Packy's is the last bastion of "humanity" at the end of the world. You drive past Packy's, you end up hogtied and anal raped.

    Packy's itself is a total dive full of frightening neckless young men who attempted to Grow Up Gotti. The jukebox subjects you to such mainstays as Queen and Guns n Roses. Nickelback is as touchy-feely as they get.

    Some brave, doomed individual selected a Counting Crows song. He was hogtied and anal raped.

    Good thing their Rum & Cokes are strong.

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    Packy's, at the very end of Palmetto in western Boca Raton, is pretty much the only dive bar in a ten-mile radius.  Of course, half that ten miles is the everglades, but still.

    Great place to go for a couple burgers and a bucket of beer, but it can be pretty loud.  The crowd really depends upon the night. During the week, it is mostly local neighborhoodies, and on the weekend, more of a younger bar crowd.  Thursdays are something of a mix.

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    Packy's is off the beaten path.   Sure it's on a main drag, but it's away from  the action and buried beneath residential hell in a tiny strip mall.

    I've been to Packy's a handful of times and it's always been a blast.   It's dark and loud like a bar should be, and they have an intercom system... I don't know why, but it was once used to announce to a party full of my coworkers that I'm a "tiger" in the sack which got me roars and meows at work for six months.

    Another time, I watch my best friend throw up on t hier front side walk in the shape of a butterfly.

    And, once I spent the entire night in a car in a parking lot just making out with some guy in town from the army..

    Ah... college....   wouldn't have been the same without Packy's.

    Also.. it's a nice square bar with lots of room for groups, the drinks aren't over priced, and they have a couple of pool tables.

    I really want to tell you more stories but I can't remember them.  Also.. that Tiger thing is just a rumor... rawr!

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